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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-14

An European collaboration on development and application of particle image velocimetrie between industry, research organisations and universities


Considerable progress has been made during the last twenty years in the field of aerodynamics. However, in order to improve their aircraft and engines efficiency, the manufacturers have to look more and more to three-dimensional unsteady aspects of the flow in some specific sub-domain or in particular flight or working configurations. In these fields computer simulations are still limited and much understanding has to be gained from experiments, both on the design and on the code validation point of view. An experimental approach to such flows and phenomena needs non-intrusive measurement methods, able to give a quantitative description of the instantaneous flow characteristics in a field rather than at a single point. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been developed for that purpose and gives access to the most primary variable: the velocity field. In the last few years this method has been demonstrated at a laboratory scale by several teams in Europe and in the US. Commercial products are available for more general laboratory applications, but for special industrially relevant applications reliable equipment is available mostly as in-house development of research teams. The problem for potential end-users in industry is at present that the know-how about these solutions is located in different laboratories and described - to some extent - in literature scattered over many scientific journals and conference proceedings, not readily available for the end-user. This is also true for those Brite-EuRam projects where the application of PIV is already planned (APIAN, EUROWAKE, HELIFLOW, ENIFAIR). In the exploratory phase of the thematic network on PIV it is planned to prepare an inventory of research activities on PIV at partners from the aeronautical research organizations and universities (developers of PIV), at partners in the aeronautical industry as well as in the nonaeronautical industry (end-users of PIV) and at manufacturers of hard- and software for PIV equipment. An information sheet about the objectives of the thematic network will be prepared and distributed. Moreover, the objectives of the network will be presented and discussed with the potential industrial partners in a workshop, running in parallel with the EUROPIV activities. After the potential partners have demonstrated their commitment to participate in the implementation phase of the network, a proposal will be prepared and delivered to EC.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Bunsenstraße 10

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Total cost
No data