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Content archived on 2024-05-07

Energy Saving Through Low Cost Pump Efficiency Meters


The only time that the perfomance of most pumps is known accurately is when the pump is tested on the manlufacturers test rig. Once the pump is delivered, installed and running the operator has no transferable standard by which to judge the efficiency of the pump. In a survey of over 2500 pump tests carried out for the UK water authorities water pumps were found to be operating with efficiency shortfalls of an average 12,5%, 20% in the case of process pumps. This represents a considerable, and unnecessary energy consumption. A 1% increase in pump efficiency throughout European industry would reduce the European energy costs by more than 2 Billion ECU per annum. A unique thermodynamlic technic. patented by AEMS Ltd is used to measure the operational efficiency of large pumps ( >150KW ) in the operational environment without disruption to the pump schedule and functionality. Extremely precise measurements of temperature and pressure have to be taken and the system cost is such that the technique, although extremely accurate and simple to implement, is not currently suitable for routine monitoring of smaller (25KW - 150KW), lower cost pumps which make up the majority of industrial applications. The objectives of the pro ject can be summarised as follows;
a) To research and develop the technologies necessary tve a practical low cost pump efficiency meter capable of giving a useful indication of pump performance in an operational environment. This study will incle the research and development of the necessary sensors and transducers and will incorporate advances in sensor, microprocessor and communication technologies.
b) To confirm the accuracy and performance of various types of meter ded through extensive testing and demonstration in practical applications.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Advanced Energy Monitoring Ltd.
EU contribution
No data

Ottery St Mary
United Kingdom

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Total cost
No data