The frequency of e.g. cars thefts, which has risen drastically since the nineties, calls for the European SMEs to undertake European and international measurement for protection and long-term reduction and avoidance of thefts. The aim of the project is the development of a procedure for the visualisation of a painted and by that concealed, invisible laser beam inscription using the so-called heat impulse thermography. Painted sheets, which are used for car body components can be codified by a laser beam inscription, which by painting, can be concealed, and thus be made invisible to the human eyes. Car body components which are treated in this way can at any time be decoded by thermographic methods, and so be identified. Ranges of application of this new technique areas for example, border controls for fighting car thefts. At any given place of the car body, laser beam codification can be concealed during production. A border control would be able to identify, fast and definitely, a stolen automobile, despite altered car documents or altered chassis type identification number. The codification would be linked inseparably with the vehicle, and could only be removed by a large-scale exchange of components (e.g. roof, bars etc.). A secure and reliable possibility for border control of car thefts could thus be created.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
EAW - Exploratory awardsCoordinator
25312 Elmshorn