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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-06-11

The development of space-filling absorbent matrices for controlled liquid management


There are a growing number of diverse applications for absorbent materials, not only for consumer products but also for safety and convenience in high technology or industrial fields. These include absorbent filler materials for items ranging from pens to safety fuel cells for sports cars. The form, shape and size of absorbent material required for each usage is most often unique, and therefore the processes involved in the manufacture of these products are developed on an individual basis. This inevitably raises costs and limits the application of novel absorbent materials to wider markets. Cost of manufacture for absorbent filler components would certainly be reduced if the materiai was produced in-situ, from a liquid phase which filled the materials eventual casing Alternatively, an in-situ process could make use of cheap pre-cast moulds to produce complicated shapes. These concepts will eliminate the need for dedicated materials fabrication processes to provide the specific shape and size of material required for each product. This project proposes to reduce manufacturing costs for absorbent components through a novel developments of physical chemical technology. The work will build upon the recent state of the art in colloidal and polymer network science, orientated towards the following applications; Filling materials for chart recorder pens. Absorbent materials for safety fuel cells in air and surface transport These two diverse end user applications will demonstrate the technology, and will exact the following requirements of the developed process; Appropriate materials properties in terms of absorbency and durability. Low process costs and short processing duration to allow mass market applications

Call for proposal

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Crown Graphic Ltd.
EU contribution
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Babbage Road
TQ9 5XH Totnes
United Kingdom

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Total cost
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