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Content archived on 2024-04-30

Development of new sanswich materials to improve the acousticl isolation of indoor faces


Acoustic isolation requirements from the Administrative Departments, try to preserve people health and protect them from troubles caused by the great number of noises which can introduce at people's home; but, many times, these requirements do not operate as a guarantee for people who must live in buildings which acoustic characteristics are not necessarily subjected to the Standards of each country. In fact. there are several kind of deficiencies which, due to different reasons, can not be covered by today's regulations; because of this, a great number of constructions and buildings are out of the Standards application range. Moreover, they can be found several new buildings which do not fulfill the minimun requirements stablished by the Standards. Due to these troubles, the goals of this project can be summarized as follows: to develop new Sandwich panels (faces or compund materials) of high acoustic features and small thickness so that they will be used as: a) coverings for walls and internal partitions which have not the enough isolation level (applicable when partitions do not reach required isolation levels or when they reach but are not enough to satisfy users privacy and requirements) and b) constructive elements for fixed and removable partition walls of high acoustic features.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Movinord s.a.
EU contribution
No data
Careterra Gipuzkoa Km. 7.5
31080 Berrioplano - Navarra

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (3)