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Content archived on 2024-05-07

Environmental Management Architecture for Information Delivery


The main aim of E-MAIL is to develop telematics applications to support decision-makers in regional public organisations in the environment sector. The applications will support these users in environmental monitoring and planning by combining and using data captured from different sources. This information will be converted to standardised formats and integrated on a multimedia platform containing an integrated set of tools for modelling, mapping, analysis and reporting.
The objective is to provide the E-MAIL user with efficient support systems for obtaining in-depth information on key environmental topics and environmental indicators. These include census data on population and dwelling, urbanisation and sustainable development planning, actual and potential ecological risks, surface and ground water quality, water resources management, defence from flash-floods, habitat management and conservation, waste management, pollution and industrial risks.

The project is based upon work in four different European Regions: Tuscany, Rhone-Alpes, Fife, and Corfu. Each region exemplifies a different set of characteristics: a river basin, an agricultural area, an industrial area, and an island. The Public Authorities involved in the environmental management of these areas will be provided with a common set of tools for data analysis, synthesis, interpretation and simulation. The tools will be designed to enable them to undertake more accurate monitoring of the environmental indicators relevant to their region, and thereby ensure more effective and better targeted environmental planning and policy actions.

Major Validation Sites
Autorità Bacino Arno, IT
Regione Toscana, IT
Fife Regional Council, UK
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lyons, FR
Corfu Initiative, GR

The users are environmental decision-makers within regional authorities, with different levels of responsibilities, tasks, and duties, and acting at directional, executive and operative level. The list includes the Arno River Basin Authority, Tuscany Regional Government, Fife Regional Council, Friends of the Earth, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lyon, and Corfu Initiative. These agencies will establish linkages and provide channels for E-MAIL to other appropriate agencies on a local, regional and national basis.

The approach is to integrate heterogeneous systems using standard protocols. They will be designed to provide simple and cost-effective information access and communication through a range of networks (Internet, PSTN, ISDN, etc.), offering the user a standard interface to distributed information sources and networks. This will be a multimedia application. Object-oriented methods will be used in the software development and integration.

Expected Benefits
- handling of issues crucial to the preservation, protection and improvement of the quality of environment
- better co-ordination of natural resources, habitat protection and risk prevention
- availability of powerful tools for environmental management
- simpler and more expeditious decision-making
- opportunities to make comparisons of environmental data and management
- considerable improvement in cost/benefit ratios of environment management
- potential for companies to address a much larger target market
- the advantages and benefits identified in the Bangemann Report and Delors White Paper.

Contribution to EU Policies
The project fits in to the EU policies of promoting steady and sustainable growth and improving the quality of life of European citizens.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Analysis Automation Trading
EU contribution
No data
Via Pasini 25
30175 Marghera Venezia

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (13)