CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-04-30

Spatial modelling at the regional scale of the response and adaptation of soils and land use systems to climate change.


The project aims to integrate physical and socio-economic models to evaluate
the impact of climate change on soils, crop production and agricultural land
use distribution in Europe at the regional scale.

The project will develop a model, named IMPEL (Integrated Model to Predict
European Land use), integrating the physical as well as socio-economic aspects
of land use systems based on a modular approach. The modules will comprise:
a soil and crop model to evaluate the soil water balance and crop development
and yields for a range of strategic European crops;
a land degradation module to evaluate the impact of soil erosion and diminishing soil organic matter contents on crop productivity; a socio-economic module to evaluate optimal land use allocation and management
requirements (including machinery, labour and fertiliser use); a climate module to down-scale (both temporally and spatially) climate change
The model will be demonstrated in a range of contrasting European regions by
using spatial physical datasets (e.g. soil, climate, topography) in combination with local socio-economic data (e.g. farm structure, demography).
The issue of spatial scale will be a major component of the project, including
the problems of linking spatial data at different scales, changing scale, and
error propagation through the spatially-distributed model. The regional demonstrations will also be used to evaluate management adaptations to climate
change, and to assess the potential impacts of changes in the socio-economic
baseline on land use systems.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Silsoe Campus Wharley End
United Kingdom

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (8)