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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-07

Connectionist methods for preprocessing and analysis of remote sensing data.


This is a concerted action on the theme of connectionist (neural network) computing methods in satellite remote sensing. It concerns the roles of connectionist computing both in routine operations concerned with preprocessing remotely sensed data and ancillary data sets, and in subsequent data analysis which is more application-specific. The primary objectives of the activity are to:
(a) assess progress to date throughout the European Union (and elsewhere) on the application of neural or connectionist computing in remote sensing (b) evaluate the potential benefits to be derived from pursuing further researc and development on this theme in a coordinated manner
(c) to draw up an appropriate research agenda for the future taking into accoun the results and conclusions of (a) and (b).
These objectives will be met by carrying out two principal activities: (i) holding an open European workshop on connectionist computing in remote sensing
(ii) holding a concertation meeting to evaluate the results of the workshop and to set future research priorities and to draw up an appropriate research agenda.
In order to ensure that all relevant national activities are taken into consideration, a "national point of contact" will be used in each member state of the European Union to identify existing national projects and experts. KEYWORDS(maxlO): REMOTESENSING, NEURAL NETWORKS

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Participants (2)