To establish how the specific institutional context in each country affects the implementation of environmental policy so that conflicts between the various administrative levels can be understood and addressed.
To establish how the specific institutional context in each country affects the implementation of environmental policy so that conflicts between the various administrative levels can be understood and addressed.
Comparative case-studies are carried out in respect of the packaging regulation and the transport of hazardous waste. These case studies cover five countries and are both cross sectoral and transnational in scope.
This comparative analysis answers two main research questions:
i) Which policy instruments are used for the regulation of the environmental problems in these sectors selected EU member countries?
ii) In what way does the institutional setting in these countries influence the effectiveness of the environmental policy instruments?
The research consists of four phases:
i) elaboration of a framework for analysis;
ii) implementation of ten "in-depth" case studies;
iii) systematic comparison between the case study materials;
iv) discussion and refinement of the results following a dialogue with representatives of the various "stakeholders" in the national and EU level environmental policy development process.
The implications of the project results for the further development of EU environmental policy are addressed.
Appel à propositions
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CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinateur
3000 DR Rotterdam