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Content archived on 2024-04-19

Impact of storms on waves and surges: changing climate in the past 100 years and perspectives for the future


To document change in storminess and in the wave climate of the
Northeast Atlantic and the North Sea on the basis of quality-controlled
homogenous long times series of wind-related data; to clarify
conflicting reports on changes in storminess and wave climate, which
have raised concern not only in the some industries, such as the
offshore oil industry and the insurance industry, but also in the
general public; to analyse the output of climate model runs with
respect to future storminess and implications for the future wave
climate. Special emphasis will be laid upon the problem of deriving
thresholds for extreme values.

Methodically, the project will be based on the analysis of reports from
fixed sites, such as ocean weather stations and "synop"-stations, in
contrast to mobile sites such as Voluntary Observing Ships. Operational
historical weather maps will be used as auxiliary data only because of
unavoidable inhomogeneities.

For the wavefield, homogeneous hindcasts will be exploited and, if
necessary, new hindcasts will be done.

The various parameters which represent the storm and wave climate will
be statistically linked to the large-scale state of the atmosphere so
that through a "downscaling strategy" historical states will be
reconstructed and future perspectives will be inferred from climate
model output.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Bundesstra¯e 55

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (8)