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Content archived on 2024-05-23

Establishing a thematic network for priority themes a-c and e in russia for gmes strand 2 assessment activities


GMES-RUSSIA establishes a first network of key data providers and users between the European component of the GMES Action Plan and Russia. GMES-RUSSIA serves the initial period of the EC's ESD Work Programme C(2001)4307 for Global Monitoring for Environment and Security. The project's activities are adapted to the Thematic Network approach and the proposed assessment structures: technical-scientific assessment, socio-economic aspects and institutional/organisational/policy issues. GMES-RUSSIA integrates the important Russian data capacities to GMES and strengthens cooperation with Europe. Special emphasis is on the GMES thematic requirements: A-Land Cover Change, B-Environmental Stress, C-Global Vegetation Monitoring and E-Global Atmosphere Monitoring.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
32,Löbdergraben 32
07743 JENA

See on map

Total cost
No data