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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-21

Inspektoren - sustainable refurbishment europe


Problems to be solved
In the member states there are about 80 000 residential areas and 56 million flats that have been built since 1950. At the moment 170 million people are living in post war mass housing areas. As the consortium well knows, housing companies need to periodically re-furbish their housing stock and the demand for sustainable refurbishment is high - both from EC and the member states. Today there is no integration of refurbishment strategies with sustainability and not enough participation of tenants. Many refurbishment processes are only focused on technical issues and initial costs.
Scientific objectives and approach
SUREURO will provide housing companies with practical management tools for integrating sustainable development and tenant participation in their refurbishment management process without exceeding the normal costs for the tenants, who are taking part in the project. SUREURO will also develop design tools for construction companies, designers and engineers; models for better planning, design and technical specifications of refurbishment projects. Finally SUREURO will test and implement new, flexible technical concepts for sustainable transformation of existing housing areas. The result is a unique and innovative knowledge based information system for the total process. The partnership consists of seven big housing organisations from seven different countries within the European Community. To assist the housing organisation in the project there are several research organisations and industrial companies also involved. The project consists of six work packages.
The first three are the technical work-packages working in six steps:
(1) conceptual process models,
(2) inventory of existing tools and technologies (best practises within the seven countries),
(3) analysing and improvement,
(4) development toolboxes,
(5) testing in seven national refurbishment processes and
(6) finally deliver European models and toolboxes.WP1 for management tools, WP2 for design and process tools and WP3 for technical tools and solutions for refurbishment and sustainable technologies. WP4 are the seven National Projects with their state of the art reports and testing the results from the first three work packages. In WP5 at the end of the four-year long project the models and tools will be also tested in two, from the project independent, housing companies. One in a member state and one in an associated country. WP6 will result in a knowledge system and give the most important deliverables with tools in click able computer-friendly way, similar to what is used in geographic information systems. They include guidelines that consider different climate-conditions, laws and regulations. This also means that they shall be flexible to future knowledge and technologies. It is important to notice that the models are developed in a way that they can be used by all actors in a refurbishment project. These actors are housing companies, the municipality (politicians and officials), tenants, architects, consultants and contractors. The interplay between these actors shall be developed and lead to a win-win situation for all actors at all levels including the environment. It is important that the refurbished projects mean a result with healthy and comfortable indoor climate. It is a main goal that the refurbishment shall be possible to carry out within normal costs so that the tenants shall have the possibility to stay in their dwellings afterwards. SUREURO also considers environmental, social, economical, technical, architectural criteria in all stages.
Expected impacts
SUREURO aims to provide housing companies and local decision makers with practical management tools for integrating sustainable development and tenant participation in their refurbishment management process while maintaining normal and affordable costs for tenants. It will also test and implement new concepts for sustainable transformation of existing housing areas. Deliverables include a knowledge based information system consisting of models and tools for all those involved in the refurbishment process and integrates a refurbishment protocol and guidelines. The potential financial and scientific impact of SUREURO is felt to be significant.
The target groups for SUREURO are mainly:
(1) government authorities, city planners and local authorities in the areas of sustainability, who can use the results for coming planning and regulations;
(2) housing companies, who can use the models in their future refurbishment processes;
(3) tenants and their organisations, who can use the models in their demands for environmental living conditions;
(4) construction companies, designers, architects etc in co-operation with housing companies. The project results will be directed mainly at markets in member states, CEEC-countries, NDC´s and other developed countries. The continuous dissemination - international congresses and seminars in the countries involved together with the involvement of independent experts and international organisations in the area help to ensure the efficient uptake of results.

Appel à propositions

Data not available

Régime de financement

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Larmtorget 3
391 23 Kalmar

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Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (58)