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New transport system concepts for enhanced and sustainable personal urban mobility

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Exploitable results

The NETMOBIL ‘List of Related Projects’ is a first screening of the Innovative Transportation Systems in Europe and overseas which are related to the four Cluster Projects STARDUST, EDICT, CyberCars and CyberMove, focusing on the common topics identified, including User Needs, Barriers, Legal Issues and Sustainability Impact Evaluations. The details for the 4 cluster projects are provided in Appendix 2 'Innovative Transportation Systems' of D1 'State of the Art: Related Projects'. The complete list is contained in Excel Spreadsheet file .
The results of deliverable D1 ‘State of the Art: Related Projects’ and the common issues identified, including user needs analyses, legal framework, deployment barriers and environmental impacts, were presented to a panel of external experts in the NETMOBIL technical workshop. This deliverable D2 ‘Research Synergies, Needs and Opportunities’ follows from that Workshop and develops a synthesis of the results for the common issues in order to identify current research gaps and subsequently to formulate further research needs. The report presents the details of the workshop, the participants, the agenda, the discussions held, and an assessment of its effectiveness as determined from a questionnaire distributed to the participants. It also presents the conclusions for the common issues, the research gaps, and the benefits from clustering in the NETMOBIL project and the barriers to deployment. Six Annexes consider the common areas in more detail, namely: - Annex A: User Needs - Annex B: Legal and Institutional Issues - Annex C: Barriers and Risks - Annex D: Technologies - Annex E: Research Needs - Annex F: Evaluation of Sustainability The results assisted the project to plan for the first dissemination workshop entitled ‘Societal and Technical Issues for Future Urban Mobility’, which was held with key stakeholders in the summer of 2004.
This deliverable (D3) is concerned with interpreting the results of a First Dissemination Workshop to help develop a dissemination strategy that will assist with the further promotion of the solutions that are proposed by NETMOBIL and its cluster projects. The work leading up to, and the results of the Workshop are presented. The findings are studied and an 8-point action plan is developed as follows: • To develop a clear vision for NETMOBIL as an immediate priority; • To seek Champions who will promote NETMOBIL solutions both overall and locally; • To develop a clear Roadmap which all parties involved in NETMOBIL can agree; • To develop a draft of a generic Transport case for NETMOBIL solutions; • To develop a draft of a generic Business case for NETMOBIL solutions; • To promote NETMOBIL in a more targeted manner, with an emphasis on susceptible market segments; • To continue work to identify future research needs; • To support the development of a future network on innovative transport The results will assist the planning for the Final Dissemination Workshop to be held in June 2005.
Innovation based on road vehicle automation provides new functionalities with a potential to change the existing patterns of urban transport supply. Advanced driver assistance systems can make car-based transport more efficient, environmentally friendly, comfortable and safer. Personal rapid transit is a revolutionary concept of automated taxis travelling on their own guide way which lends itself in particular to provide a circulator (i.e. circulating system of public transport for moving people around) in commercial areas, business districts and campuses. Automatic driving capabilities enhance the performance of bus rapid transit used on the main-haul sections of the road public transport network. Cybernetic transport systems are already in operation in the form of road-based people movers providing on-demand capabilities for feeder and park-shuttle services, and could enable in the future, car-sharing schemes with environmentally friendly vehicles where vehicles are automatically redistributed among parking places. This Deliverable reviews the potential of the various innovations according to a common assessment framework focused on the identification of benefits and costs. Case histories are presented for each innovation, drawn from systems already operating in real world conditions, field trials or feasibility studies.
NETMOBIL is a cluster project to explore and promote the potential of developments in automatic vehicle technologies for future sustainable personal urban transportation systems, and provide advice and guidance on the options for decision makers. The project has had oversight of projects CyberCars and CyberMove on Cybernetic Transport Systems (CTS), EDICT on Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) and STARDUST on Advanced Driver Assistance and Vehicle Guidance Systems (ADAS). An analysis of applications and common areas has been undertaken including: barriers and risks, user needs, legal and institutional issues, technologies, evaluation issues and research needs. A dissemination strategy has been developed. This included identifying the roadmap to implementation and deployment, and conducting a review and analysis of case studies to clarify the transport and business cases for the different systems. Two Roadmaps for the implementation of potentially sustainable personal urban transportation systems have been identified. The first is for ADAS systems which can evolve through car share schemes to use cleaner, greener, safer more efficient vehicles as they become available from the vehicle manufacturers. The second is for PRT/CTS systems which similarly provide cleaner, greener, safer and more efficient transport but through a public transport approach. Both solutions aim to provide alternatives to the use of private cars in urban areas through automatic vehicles. The alternative approaches and their intermediate offerings have been compared, and the critical steps on the path to successful deployment for both have been identified. The potential of the solutions for European cities has been described, and policy guidance and recommendations for decision makers have been developed. Main deliverables: - D1 State of the Art: related projects; - D2 Research synergies, needs and opportunities; - D3 First dissemination workshop and proceedings; - D4 Dissemination strategy; - D5 Internal report ‘NETMOBIL Roadmap and critical path’; - D6 ‘EU potential’; - D7 ‘Policy guidance’; - D8 Final conference and dissemination workshop, and proceedings; - D9 NETMOBIL web site. The NETMOBIL solutions are generally attractive in comparison with conventional public transport system alternatives, but like them, rarely produce sufficient revenues to cover both the implementation and running costs. Nevertheless, they are particularly attractive in certain situations in that they can provide personal transport like cars, but are clean and offer reduced traffic, congestion and environmental impacts, and increased safety. That is, they do provide potentially sustainable transport solutions. The results from the project include deliverables on EU potential and policy guidance. The last includes recommendations for authorities at city, national and European levels, which include recognising the great potential, offered by the NETMOBIL solutions for sustainable transport, and requirements for facilitating their acceptance and introduction. Dissemination of results has been through numerous papers and presentations given by the partners in NETMOBIL and the cluster projects, by the NETMOBIL web site, and in particular through 2 dissemination workshops, the last held in association with the European New Towns Platform and a pre-launch demonstration of ParkShuttle, an automated system of driverless electric buses. This attracted about 120 delegates for the pleanary session.
This Deliverable D6 Dissemination and Exploitation of the NETMOBIL Project follows from the activities carried out during the lifetime of the NETMOBIL project to promote the concept of sustainable urban mobility transport technologies of the cluster projects and to disseminate the lessons learnt from these projects and case studies. This Deliverable presents the content of the newsletters and brochures produced during the project, the project website, details of the stakeholder workshops, the participants, agendas, promotional material, the discussions held and the outcomes. Three Annexes are attached to this report, including: Annex 1: List of workshop participants Annex 2: Workshop flyers and programmes Annex 3: Newsletters and brochures.
The web site for the NETMOBIL project is at It is managed by TTR and run by TRG on behalf of the project. It has been designed to provide a means of communication between the project partners and other users of interest via the Internet. Two functions are provided. The first is to provide access for the public to the work and results of the project, including deliverables, newsletters, leaflets, publications, information about partners and contact details. The second is to provide a site with restricted access for use by the partners only, and a repository for restricted material including draft and internal deliverables, minutes of meetings etc.
This report brings together the findings from the research conducted by NETMOBIL and reported in previous deliverables including: - D1 State of the Art: related projects; - D2 Research synergies, needs and opportunities; - D3 Report of First dissemination workshop and proceedings; - D4 Dissemination strategy’; - D5 Internal report ‘NETMOBIL Roadmap and critical path’; and - D6 ‘EU potential’ in order to produce recommendations for how the systems can be exploited, for further research needed and for actions required from the different public actors, the city/local authorities, the regional authorities, the national governments and the EU policy makers/institutions to support and help realise the potential from the proposed solutions. The results were presented and validated in the NETMOBIL Final conference and dissemination workshop held in Rotterdam in July 2005.
The specific objective of this Deliverable (No.1) is to determine the state of the art, and arrange an inventory of the four European Cluster Projects STARDUST, EDICT, CyberCars and CyberMove focusing on the common topics that have been identified, including User Needs, Barriers, Legal Issues and Sustainability Impact Evaluations. The deliverable was initially prepared as an input to the first Technical Workshop arranged for September 11, 2003 in Brussels. This final version is updated following the conclusions of that Workshop. A first screening of the Innovative Transportation Systems in Europe which are related to the four Cluster Projects is attached in an Appendix. (See also result ‘List of Related Projects’)

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