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Developing deep-water fisheries : data for their assessment and for understanding their interaction with an impact on a fragile environment



In December 1992 the Council of Fisheries Ministers requested the European Commission (DGXIV) to initiate a study on the state of knowledge on deep-water fisheries, particularly aimed at the possibility of implementing a management system. A meeting of experts was held in June 1993 to review the fishery and make recommendations. A major recommendation of the report was that a precautionary approach should be adopted. ICES also recognised the growing importance of these new fisheries and in 1994 a Study Group on the 'Biology and Assessment of Deep-Sea Fisheries Resources' was convened. In reviewing the reports of this Group ACFM has consistently advised that "a cautious approach should be adopted" and that "fishing effort should be kept at a low level until sufficient information is gathered from existing fisheries to enable scientifically-based management decisions". ACFM also recommended that "a comprehensive data collection system should be urgently initiated and that research on the stocks should be increased to provide the data necessary for assessment".

It was against this background that this proposal for research on deep-water fish and fisheries was developed. Although many of the main concerns related to the Atlantic it was recognised that deep-water fishing was also increasing in importance in the Mediterranean. The fisheries in the two areas are somewhat different but it was considered that their joint study would yield new insights into this poorly known ecosystem.
The objectives of the three-year project, which began in December 1995, are as follows:

1. To describe the deep-water fisheries presently being prosecuted by member states with particular reference to geographic area, depth of occurrence, seasonal distribution, migration patterns, aggregations and other parameters. To record and describe the gears, both mobile and static, which are currently being used for specified fisheries.

2. To make an inventory of existing survey data on deep-water resources and ensure that historical data sets are archived. To support the working up of survey data.

3. To describe and quantify the bycatch of unwanted species and undersized fish of target species in the fisheries identified in objective 1.

4. To sample at the markets and accurately record the quantities of species landed with particular reference to fishes that are not presently identified to species level.

5. To use the information collected by research and commercial surveys and, from market sampling past and present, to provide data on biological parameters (e.g. age, growth and reproduction) of both target and bycatch species, which will be of value for the assessment and management of the resource. An underlying theme will be to consider how the special environmental factors of the deep waters influence the biological parameters of these species and to understand how the fishery will impact on what is generally considered to be a fragile ecosystem.
Objective 1

This task was undertaken by six partners and has resulted in valuable descriptions of these new and rapidly developing fisheries. One of the greatest problems with these fisheries is that they tend to be spasmodic and it is often difficult from landing data to determine the target and bycatch species and hence catch and effort data are unreliable. Good examples are the French fishery for round nose grenadier (Coryphaenoides rupestris) which in ICES sub-area VI is sometimes targeted and at other times is the bycatch of a targeted blue ling (Molva dypterygia) fishery and some Spanish deep-water long line fisheries where the degree of targeting of deep-water sharks can depend on their market value and the status of the hake (Merluccius merluccius) fishery. In the Mediterranean many of the deep-water fisheries tend to be more artisanal in nature and the need for their description was only identified for Greece.

Objective 2

This task is being undertaken by seven partners. The work content varies between partners. Some partners (e.g. Germany and Iceland) are compiling all the data from earlier surveys into a database. Others, such as Ireland and Spain, are compiling both historical and new data into new-dedicated databases. At the first meeting of all the partners it was recognised that data exchange between partners was of considerable importance and it was agreed that a data exchange format was a priority. The new exchange format is based on the ICES International Bottom Trawl Survey system but has been expanded to allow for the exchange of biological data such as age and maturity. A new species coding system was developed for the project because no existing system covered the full range of deep-water species.

Objective 3

One of the major problems with discard studies on deep-water fish is correct identification of the species being discarded. The use of terms such as various sharks or grenadiers are of limited value. There is also the problem of secrecy within the fishing industry, especially in the early development phase. Different partners have addressed the problem in different ways. Some such as France, Norway and Scotland have had considerable success in sending scientists to sea on commercial vessels. These discard trips have also yielded information and material for Task 5. Others, such as Greece and Italy, have estimated discard rates by using data collected from research surveys. The composition and quantity of discards depends on the mesh size of the trawl and this is especially important in countries, such as Italy, where the target species are deep-water crustaceans. The discard rates resulting from the use of different trawls and mesh sizes are being analysed.

Objective 4.

This objective is being undertaken by five partners. Sampling the landings is usually relatively simple when the fishery is carried out by vessels that remain a sea for long periods and land in one of a limited number of ports. Good examples are the deep-water trawl fisheries of northern Europe. Problems can arise when a bycatch species is only landed occasionally and without advance warning. Some deep-water long line fisheries which are undertaken by smaller vessels on a daily basis are also relatively easy to sample because they tend to use specific ports. Examples of these are the black scabbard fish (Aphanopus carbo) of Portugal and the deep-water fisheries of Canatabria, Spain. Artisanal fisheries, such as are found in parts of Greece, are more difficult to sample because deep-water species are only landed spasmodically.

Objective 5

This objective is being undertaken by all partners but with varying time-scales. Considerable emphasis has been placed on seasonal aspects of both the geographical and vertical distribution of target and non-target species. It is generally considered that deep-water fish are slow growing, live to a great age, have a high age at first maturity and have low fecundity. However the evidence is often lacking and a key objective of this task is to undertake research on age estimation and reproduction. An ageing workshop was held within the project and the topics covered were wide-ranging. Further workshops are planned.


This is a large project involving 13 partners from 10 member states and it is perhaps inevitable that each partner should work independently. This is especially true for tasks 1 to 4 where the information is specific to a member state. The project also depends on the willingness of the fishing industry, catchers, marketers and processors, to co-operate. With only a few exceptions their co-operation has been very positive. The opportunities for scientific collaboration are greatest in objective 5 and there have been some useful co-operative ventures especially in the area of age estimation. The project is on schedule and I do not see any problem in completing most of the objectives. The results will be of great value to organisations with responsibility for giving advice on these fisheries, such as the European Commission and ICES.


Partner 1 Scottish Association for Marine Science, United Kingdom

Scientific papers

Coggan, R. A. (1997). Designation of fishing areas in the north-east Atlantic for deep-water fisheries surveys. ICES CM 1997/Y:11

Coggan, R.A. Gordon, J. D. M. & Merrett, N. R. (In press). Abundance, distribution, reproduction and diet of notacanthid fishes (Pisces: Notacanthiformes) from the northeast Atlantic. Journal of Fish Biology

Gordon, J.D.M. and Swan, S.C. (1997) The distribution and abundance of deep-water sharks on the continental slope to the west of the British Isles. ICES CM 1997/BB:11, 23 pp

Gordon, J.D.M. and Swan, S.C. Deep-water sharks and rays in the waters to the west of the British Isles. Manuscript submitted for the Proceedings of the 3rd European Elasmobranch Conference.


Coggan R. A. & Newton, A. W. (1997). A format for the exchange and archiving of fisheries
survey data, with particular reference to deep-water fisheries. ICES CM 1997/HH:10 (Poster)

Newton, A.W. & Coggan, R.A. (1997). SAMMAR List of codes: a hierarchical, numerical coding system for fish and invertebrate species of the North Atlantic and Mediterranean. ICES CM 1997/HH:11 (Poster)

Unpublished reports

Nichol, K. (1996) A comparison of the biology and distribution of two species of macrourid, Trachyrincus murrayi (Gunther, 1878) and Trachyrincus scabrus (Rafinesque,1810). M.Sc. Marine and Fisheries Project Report, University of Aberdeen, 72 pp. (unpublished manuscript).

Meetings &Talks

Dr Gordon was joint convenor of the 1996 Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual International Meeting which was held in Aberdeen. The meeting was also attended by Dr Coggan and Ms Swan. A poster outlining the aims and objectives of the FAIR project was displayed.

Drs Gordon and Coggan attended the 3rd European Elasmobranch Conference in Birmingham, UK and Dr Gordon presented the following paper; Gordon, J.D.M. and Swan, S.C. Deep-water sharks and rays in the waters to the west of the British Isles.

Dr Gordon attended, by invitation, the Fisheries Week of the Azores (March 1997) and gave a talk on deep-water fish and fisheries in the north-eastern Atlantic in which he included the objectives of the FAIR project.

Dr Gordon gave an invited paper entitled 'Deep-sea fish - Are we fishing in the dark' at a one day conference on 'Denizens of the deep'. which was organised by Greenpeace in June 1997. He finished his talk by pointing out how the FAIR project was providing new data on deep-water fish and fisheries.

Drs Gordon and Coggan attended a meeting of the Scottish Marine Group in October 1997 where Dr Gordon presented an abbreviated version of his Denizens of the Deep lecture.

Dr Gordon and Ms Swan attended an Ad hoc meeting between FRC, SAMS, and MARLAB to agree co-ordination of research on deep water species in the Rockall Trough. (Dublin, January 1997)

Dr Gordon attended the ICES Annual Science Conference in Baltimore, USA (September 1997) and presented the papers and posters resulting from the FAIR contract which are listed above.

Gordon, J.D.M. Swan, S.C.and Coggan, R.A. Age old problems in deep-water fish growth. Abstract submitted to 2nd International Symposium on Fish Otolith Research and Application, Bergen, June 1998. Accepted for oral presentation.

Dr Gordon gave a talks on deep-water fish and fisheries to the fishing industry at a Sea Fish Industry Authority Seminars in Peterhead and Shetland (June and October 1996)

Newspaper references

The objectives of the project were listed in an article in World Fishing (April 1997; pg 22-23)

Contributions to ICES
Dr Gordon is chairman of the ICES Study Group on the Biology and Assessment of Deep-sea Fisheries Resources. The Group met in February 1996 and by correspondence in 1997. Several other partners attended the 1996 meeting.

Partner 2 France

(a) IFREMER, Lorient and Boulogne sur mer


Allain, V. and Kergoat, B. (1998) Biodiversity and demographic strategies of exploited deep-sea fish populations from North-East Atlantic. Life and Environment (In press).

Dupouy H. and A. Biseau (1997) Le grenadier de roche, biologie et etat d'exploitation. In Fiches des Especes de Poissons du Nord-Est Atlantique.

Lorance P. (in press) . Structure du peuplement ichtyologique du talus continental a l'Ouest des iles Britanniques et Impact de la Peche. Cybium.


Two posters describing work done under the FAIR project were presented at the Aquatic Life Cycle Strategies Meeting held in Plymouth, UK (April 1997)

Allain V. and Kergoat, B (1997) Reproductive strategies of three species of deep-sea fishes in variable and stable environment.

Allain, V., Kergoat, .B. and Quiniou, L. (1997) Preliminary studies on discards, reproduction and fecundity of deep-sea fishes from Rockall Trough.

(b) College de France, Concarneau


Two posters describing work done under the FAIR project were presented at the Aquatic Life Cycle Strategies Meeting held in Plymouth, UK (April 1997)

Dain, C and Du Buit, M.H. Reproductive strategy of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) in the north east Atlantic : fecundity and seasonality

Girard, M and Du Buit, M.H Reproductive strategies of deep-sharks : advantages of non placental viviparity in Centrophorus squamosus and Centroscymnus coelolepis.

Contributions to ICES

French contributions to ICES Study Group on Elasmobranch Fishes, Copenhague 26-30 May 1997.

Partner 3 ISH, Germany


Partner 4 Fisheries Research Centre, Ireland

Scientific Publications

Connolly, P.L. and Kelly, C.J. (1996). Irish Research Linked with the Development of Deep Sea Fisheries in the North East Atlantic. Proceedings of the Irish Marine Science Symposium, Galway, 1995, Royal Irish Academy.

Connolly, P.L. and Kelly, C. J., (1996). Catch and discards from experimental trawl and longline fishing in the deep waters of the Rockall Trough. Journal of Fish Biology, Supplement A, 49, 132-144

Connolly, P.L. and Kelly, C.J. (1997). Deep water trawl and longline surveys in 1995. Marine Institute, Fishery Leaflet 173, Sept. 1997.

Kelly, C.J. Connolly, P.L. & Bracken, J.J. (1996). Maturity, oocyte dynamics and fecundity of the roundnose grenadier from the Rockall Trough. Journal of Fish Biology.Supplement A
49, 5-17.

Kelly, C.J. Connolly, P.L. and Bracken, J.J. (1997). Age estimation, growth, maturity and distribution of the roundnose grenadier from the Rockall Trough. Journal of Fish Biology 50, 1-17.

Kelly, C.J. Clarke, M. and Connolly, P.L. (1997). Catch and discards from a deep water trawl survey in 1996. Marine Institute, Fishery Leaflet 175, Oct.1997.

Kelly, C.J. Connolly, P.L. and Bracken, J.J. (In Press). Age estimation, growth, maturity and distribution of the bluemouth rockfish Helicolenus dactylopterus from the Rockall Trough
ICES Journal of Marine Science.

Maier, K, Gormley, T.R. Connolly, P.L. and Autry, M. (1997) Assessment of underutilised fish species. Farm and Food, Vol. 7, No.2 Summer 1997.

In preparation

Connolly, P.L. Kelly, C.J. Clarke, M. and Hareide, N.R. (In prep) Deep water longline survey on the eastern slopes of the Rockall Trough in 1997. Marine Institute, Fishery Leaflet (In Prep).

Clarke, M., Kelly, C.J. and Connolly, P.L. (In prep) Deep water trawl survey on the eastern slopes of the Rockall Trough in 1997. Marine Institute, Fishery Leaflet (In Prep).

Unpublished Survey Reports
(Available from the authors on request)

Connolly, P.L. (1997) Deep water longline survey on the eastern slopes of the Rockall Trough. Fisheries Research Centre, Demersal Survey Report 4, Aug. 1997.

Clarke, M. (1997) Deep-water trawl survey on the eastern slopes of the Rockall Trough. Fisheries Research Centre, Demersal Survey Report 7, Nov.1997

Unpublished Reports
(Available from the authors on request)

Anon. (1997) Report of an ad-hoc meeting between FRC, SAMS and MARLAB regarding co-ordination of research on deep water species in the Rockall Trough Area. Fisheries Research Centre, Unpublished Report. Feb.1997.

Clarke, M. (1997) Report on study visit to the United States 11th to 30th May 1997 as part of MI/UCD Studentship on the biology of deep-water sharks. Fisheries Research Centre, Unpublished Report, June 1997.

Clarke, M. (1997) A preliminary review of ageing techniques and reproduction of sharks. Fisheries Research Centre, Unpublished Report, October 1997.

Kelly, C.J. (1997) Stock assessment for deep water fish, problems and possibilities. Fisheries Research Centre, Unpublished Report, Sept. 1997.

Kelly, C.J. (1997) Results of an otolith exchange scheme for the roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris. Fisheries Research Centre, Unpublished Report, May1997.

Kelly, C.J. (1997) The FRC Deep Water Data Base. Fisheries Research Centre, Unpublished Report, September 1997.

Meetings & talks

Dr Kelly attended The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Deep-water Fishes Symposium, July 1996 and presented the two papers listed above.

Mr Clark attended The Third European Shark and Ray Conference, Birmingham, UK; October 1996.

Dr Connolly, Dr Kelly and Mr Clarke attended an ad hoc meeting between FRC, SAMS, and MARLAB regarding co-ordination of research on deep water species in the Rockall Trough. Dublin, 13th January 1997.

Dr Kelly attended a meeting of a STECF sub-group on certain fisheries issues in Brussels, 22-23 September 1997

Contributions made to Other Reports

Review of Deep Water Fisheries Resources, In (Ed H. Lassen) Report of a Group of Independent Experts to the EU on the Fourth Generation of Multiannual Guidance Programmes. March 1996.

Contributions to ICES

Irish contributions to ICES Elasmobranch Study Group, by correspondence, May 1997.

Irish contributions to ICES Deep Water Study Group, by correspondence, May 1997.

Partner 5 University of Bari, Italy

Meetings and talks

Paper at Italian conference:"Observations on the selectivity of trawl net cover-codend during bathyal fishing"

In the framework of the project one biologist has begun her Ph.D . M. Basanisi "Life strategy of teleost fishes in the bathyal"and a student has undertaken a thesis on the biology of Nezumia sclerorhynchus.

Partner 6 NCMR, Greece

No publications

Some results were presented at a congress in Greece:-

In the framework of the project two students have started their Ph.Ds.

Mrs. A. Anastasopoulou: On the "Biology of Chlopthalmus agassizi in the Ionian Sea", University of Athens.

Mr. A. Plastiras: On the "Age and growth of deep water fish species", University of Thessaloniki.

Partner 7 IPIMAR, Portugal


Figueiredo, I. & Correia, J.P. (1996). Primeira aproximacao ao estudo do crescimento do leitao, Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque, 1810. (First approach to the study of growth from blackmouth catsharks, Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque, 1810) Relatorios Cientificos e Tecnicos do Instituto Portugues de Investigacao Maritima 17: 1-16.

Correia, J. & Figueiredo, I. (1997). A modified decalcification technique for enhancing growth bands in deep-coned vertebrae from sharks. Env. Biol. Fish.50:225-230

Viriato, A.. Figueiredo, M.J. Figueiredo, I. & Correia, J. (1997). Atlas de apoio a pesca de arrasto na vertente continental portuguesa Instituto de Investigacao das Pescas e do Mar, 51p.

Figueiredo, I., Figueiredo, M. J.& Correia, J. (in press) Distribuicao geografica e batimetrica de recursos de profundidade na regiao algarvia e suas variacoes sazonais em 1994.Parte I: Peixes osseos. Instituto de Investigacao das Pescas e do Mar .

Correia, J., Figueiredo, I., Figueiredo, M. J. & Machado, P. (in press) Distribuicao geografica e batimetrica de recursos de profundidade na regiao algarvia e suas variacoes sazonais em 1994.Parte II: Peixes cartilagineos. Instituto de Investigacao das Pescas e do Mar .

Figueiredo, M. J., Correia, J. & Figueiredo, I. (in press) Distribuicao geografica e batimetrica de recursos de profundidade na regiao algarvia e suas variacoes sazonais em 1994.Parte III: Crustaceos Instituto de Investigacao das Pescas e do Mar.

Unpublished reports

Correia, J. Summary report on shark landings in Portugal from 1992 until 1995. Presented to the ICES Study Group on Elasmobranch Fishes Meeting in September (27th Sep.-1st Oct.) (unpubl).

Meetings and Talks

Correia, J., Figueiredo, I. & Figueiredo, M. Preliminary results of age and growth from blackmouth catsharks from Portuguese waters. American Elasmobranch Society 12th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, June 1996.

Partner 8 Fisheries Research Services, Marine Laboratory, UK

Scientific papers

Newton, A. W (1997) Deep-water fishing - a cautionary tale SAMS Newsletter No. 15, March 1997.

Unpublished reports

Newton, A.W. and Coggan, R.A. (1996) SAMMAR list of codes . Unpublished manuscript


Coggan R. A. & Newton, A. W. (1997). A format for the exchange and archiving of fisheries
survey data, with particular reference to deep-water fisheries. ICES CM 1997/HH:10 (Poster)

Newton, A.W. & Coggan, R.A. (1997). SAMMAR List of codes: a heirarchical, numerical coding system for fish and invertebrate species of the North Atlantic and Meditterranean. ICES CM 1997/HH:11 (Poster)

Meetings and talks

Mr Newton attended the Scottish Marine Group and gave a talk entitled 'Commercial exploitation of deep-water fish to the west of Scotland' (October 1996)

Mr Blasdale attended the Scottish Marine Group and gave a talk on his Deep-fisheries work in the waters to the west of Scotland. (October 1997)

Mr Newton gave a seminar to colleagues in the Marine Laboratory (January 1997)

Numerous skippers have been given information on an individual basis.

Partner 9 CSIC, Mallorca, Spain

Scientific papers

Morales-Nin, B., Massuti, E.& Stefanescu, C. (1996) Distribution and biology of Alepocephalus rostratus from the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 48: 1097-1112.

Morales-Nin, B., Massuti, E. and Stefanescu, C. (1996). Bathymetric distribution and growth patterns of Bathypterois mediterraneus from the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 49, Supplement A, 276-288.

Cartes, J.E. & Sorbe, J.C. (in press). Temporal population structure of deep-water cumaceans from the western Mediterranean slope. Deep-Sea Research.

Meetings and talks

An oral communication of entitled: "Bathymetric distribution and growth patterns of Bathypterois mediterraneus from the north-western Mediterranean Sea" was presented at the Deep-water Fishes International Symposium held from 1-5 July 1996 in Aberdeen (Scotland, UK). This paper was published in the Proceedings.

Partner 10 Mare Research Norway


Hareide, N.-R. Rasmussen, H. and Thomsen, B. (1996) Report from Exploratory Fishery on the Reykjanes Ridge with the Commercial Longliner M/S Borgarin April - May 1996. Report no A9614 from More Research 19 p. (in Norwegian).

Hareide, N.-R. Dyb, J.E. Dyb, S. and Barstad, S. (1996) Report from Exploratory Fishery on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the commercial longliner M/S Loran August - September 1996. Report no A9701 from More Research 53 p. (in Norwegian).

Hareide N.-R.and Thomsen B. (1997) Common Fish Stocks - New Resources. Deep-Water Fish in International Waters. Report from Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA) 99 p.( in Norwegian and Danish).

Langedal G. and Hareide N.-R. (1997) Report from Exploratory Fishery on the Reykjanes Ridge /Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the Commercial Longliner M/S Skarheim July 1997. Report from the Directorate of Fisheries 58 p. (in Norwegian).

Partner 11 IEO Vigo Spain


Pineiro, C., Casas, J.M. Banon, R., Serrano A. and Calvino, A. (1997) .Resultados de la Accion Piloto de Pesca Experimental en el talud de la Plataforma Continental Gallega (Noroeste de la Peninsula Iberica). Datos y Resumenes Inst.Esp.Oceanogr.V:3 pp:57

Banon, R. and Casas, J.M..(in evaluation). New Northern limit for the distribution of N. melanurum and in the Atlantic Nord. Miscelanea Zoologica.

Banon Diaz, R., Casas Sanchez, J.M. Pineiro Alvarez, C.G. and Covelo, M.(in evaluation). Capturas de peces de afinididades tropicales en aguas Atlanticas de Galicia (NO de la Peninsula Iberica). Bol. Inst. Esp.Oceanogr.


Perez, N., Pineiro, C. & Paz, X. 1996. Deep Species Caught by the Spanish Fleet in ICES Subareas VI,VII,VIII, and Division IXa in 1994. (poster) Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Symposium, July 1996.

Meetings and talks

Drs Pineiro and Perez attended the Fisheries Society of the British Isles Symposium in Aberdeen and read a paper on Experimental deep fishing in ICES Division VIb and Sub-area XII by N. Perez, S. Iglesias and V. Trujillo.

Partner 12 Marine Research Institute, Iceland


Magnusson, J. 1996. The Deep Scattering Layers in the Irminger Sea. Journal of Fish Biology, 49 (Supplement A), pp. 182-192.

Magnusson, J.V. 1996. Biological Parameters. Greater silver smelt, Argentina silus, in Icelandic waters. Journal of Fish Biology, 49 (Supplement A), pp. 259-275.

A preliminary report of a deep-water cruise in June-July 1997 is in press in an Icelandic Fisheries Journal:

Jakob Magnusson, VilhelminaVilhelmsdottir, Klara B. Jakobsdottir 1997. Konnun a djupslo. Leiangur a Reykjaneshrygg a b/v Kaldbaki EA 301, i juni-juli 1997. GIR, 1997,90.arg 11 tlubl., November, pp 28-31 (in press).

Sigursson, Hjorleifsson, E., Bjornsson, H., Magnusson, J. and Palsson, O.K.. (1996). Handbok um Stofnmlingu botnfiska a haustlagi 1996. (Mimeo).

Sigursson, Hjorleifsson, E. and Bjornsson, H.. (1997). Handbok um Stofnmlingu botnfiska a haustlagi 1997 . (Mimeo).

The 1997 cruise was also mentioned in: Fisheries, Newsletter of theUnion of Fishing Vessel Owners,6.arg.,5.tbl.September 1997,page 7.

In preparation

Djupslod a Reykjaneshrygg. Konnunarleidangrar 1993 og 1997.
Translated that would be "Deep Water Area at the Reykjanes Ridge. Research
cruises in 1993 and 1997" by Jakob Magnusson, Vilhelmina Vilhelmsdottir,
Klara B. Jakobsdottir. (In press, Hafrannsoknastofnun Fjolrit).

Meetings and talks

Jakob Magnusson gave a report on the 1997 cruise on both Icelandic State Radio
and Television.

Contributions to ICES

Drs J.V. and J Magnusson attended the meeting of the ICES Study Group on the Biology and Assessment of Deep-Sea Fisheries Resources (Copenhagen, 15-21 February, 1996).

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
United Kingdom

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (12)