Introduced in Europe during the mid 19th century Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menwiesii Mirb. Franco) represents now, since several years, a major species used in reforestation. This increasing integration of Douglas-fir in the European forestry is explained by its exceptional qualities, from economical and ecological point of views : great adaptability to various environments? very fast growth : wood production of high quality, freedom of sever pest and disease, quick canopy closure allowing the development of a deep soil litter, no risk of genetic pollution, since it cannot hybridise with any native European species.
The objectives of the project are :
1- to study how genetic diversity is impacted after acclimation to various european
environmental conditions and after natural regeneration; to manage existing
genetic resources in Europe (natural resources are threatened of disappearing in
the natural range), thanks to a common database; to expend the European
Douglas-fir progeny test network;
2- to synthesize IUFRO provenance information; to collect measurements in the
large E.U. co-operative network of tests comparing more than 1000
open-pollinated progenies originating from elite natural stands.
These measurements will allow to better understand the factors involved in
Douglas-fir adaptability, and therefore sustainability. It is an approach to define
large ecological zones in Europe in regards to adaptation of genetic materials and
co-operatively share the Douglas-fir breeding programme in E.U.;
3- to understand the environmental and genetic control of forking and branching
defects, frequent in Douglas-fir and considerably reducing the value of the final
product; to evaluate the ability of Douglas-fir for industrial uses for wich little
information exists: peeled veneer, a high value product, and thermo-mechanical
pulp, valorising the great amount of thinning logs;
4- to develop flowering techniques in order to make Europe self-sufficient in
Douglas-fir seed, thanks to existing seed orchards (up to now, 80% of E.U. needs
are imported from the USA). As seed from European seed orchards is to be used
in the all E.U. it is necessary to test its performance in the various European
afforestation zones, and promote its use through a demonstration network.
Fields of science
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringecosystem-based managementecological restoration
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesdatabases
- natural sciencesearth and related environmental sciencesenvironmental sciencespollution
- agricultural sciencesagriculture, forestry, and fisheriesforestry
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator
45290 Nogent-sur-Vernisson