The biopolymer market is emerging fast and is anticipated to grow rapidly within the next ten years. Commercialization has been devoted mainly to short duration applications like disposables and waste bags. Little attention has been devoted to biopackaging of food products, irrespective of the fact that food packaging might entail a wide range of new business opportunities based on consumers demands for non-synthetic packaging materials. An understanding of the interactions between foods and packaging materials is essential to ensure optimal quality of food products. Consequently, development of the optimal food packaging materials demands contributions both from food scientists and polymer chemists. Based on a collaboration between scientists with different backgrounds, this Concerted Action will contribute to form a clear picture of the state of the art of manufacturing and application of biobased food packaging, defining the prospects for European biobased food packaging and future research needs.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CON - Coordination of research actionsCoordinator
1958 Frederiksberg C