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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-05-24

Advanced Research Workshop on "Protracted, Intermittent or Chronic Irradiation: Biological Effects and Mechanisms of Tolerance"


It is proposed to organize a workshop to expand the scientific understanding of mechanisms that enable the mammalian organism to tolerate protracted, in remittent and/or chronic radiation exposure. Radiation accidents have occurred with exposures of persons for extended periods. Clinical signs and symptoms of failure of critical organ systems uncovered the cause of damage.
However, the underlying patho-genetic mechanisms, the diagnostic tools available and therapeutic options are not well understood. The proposed workshop will revisit animal experiments and review approaches to study biological effects and repair mechanisms at the different biological levels (molecular, cellular, cell systems, organs and organisms) in order to develop a patho-physiological concept of tolerance and failure. It will also formulate research imperatives needed for secondary prevention of stochastic and deterministic late effects.

The advanced research workshop on "Protracted, intermittent or chronic irradiation" is organised to expand existing and develop new concepts regarding the mechanisms that enable the organism (experimental animals and human beings) to survive in elevated exposure fields of ionizing radiation.
Of equal importance is the analysis of the patho-physiological mechanisms of a failure of cell- and organ-systems as a basis to develop means and ways to enhance repair mechanisms and to counteract the development of deterministic or stochastic late effects using cell renewal systems with rapid (e.g. hemopoiesis, skin) or slow (connective tissue, endothelial cells) cell turnover as examples.

The workshop will bring together about 50 highly renowned experts in the field from 12 countries and it is envisaged to publish the contributed papers and especially the panel discussions relevant to the topics of the different scientific sessions. European authorities will be informed about results.

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