FRAME project is initiated by 5 companies from 4 European countries under the umbrella of AMES network. The project initiates the development of fracture mechanics based irradiation embrittlement trend curves. Current assessment of the irradiated material condition is based on index temperature procedure, the reliability of which can be estimated only semi quantitatively. The created data will be compared with the current Charpy-V based trend curves. As cleavage initiation fracture toughness is the required property in the vesel safety analyses, the new approach will lead to more relevant condition assessment. Accurate and relevant material properties are required when the safety margins of the ageing plants will narrow. The new approach will be directly applied in the plant life management and plant life extension of the operating nuclear plants.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator
02044 ESPOO