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Content archived on 2024-05-23

Thematic network on advanced options for partitioning and transmutation


ADOPT Network is intended to coordinate the R&D activities sponsored by FP5 and the national activities in the fields of ADS development and Partitioning and transmutation (P&T).

The objectives are: ensuring consistency and complimentarity between national programs and FP5 contracts, reviewing overall progress, identifying gaps and redirecting objectives if needed. A continuous contact will be maintained among the participants via Internet and five meetings are foreseen for plenary evaluation.

To insure the maximum effectiveness of the ADOPT network, the funded contracts on P&T and ADS development projects by the EU in the first call of the FP5 and those in preparation for the second call are clustered according to the following scheme:

Cluster 1:

Cluster 2:

Cluster 3:
Transmutation Structural Material:

Cluster 4:
Concepts Integration & Design: PDS-XADS---Each of the 4 clusters has their own regular working meetings.

The network meetings (Jointly held in turn with one of the clusters), allow to perform the necessary interaction and coordination.

The following: 6 Institutes/Organisations, being coordinator of the above mentioned projects or having a strong R&D programme in the field of the ADOPT network, are members of the network: - SCK.CEN(B) (Coordinator of ADOPT) - CEA (F) - PSI (CH) - KTH (S) - BNFL (UK) - FZK (D)-FZJ (D) - CNRS (F) - CIEMAT (E) - ENEA (I) - NRG (NL) - CERN (Europe) - ITU(Europe) - UCL (B) - FRAMATOME (F) - ANSALDO (I).

The activities related to the ADS development and the P&T research is trying to solve one of the most demanding issue of the nuclear energy that ensure 35% of the EU electricity. Various European R&D organisations and industries are presently developing programmes in these fields with a substantial contribution from the EU.

The particular objectives of the ADOPT (ADvanced Options for Partitioning and Transmutation) network are:
- to ensure consistency of the EC FP5 contracts with national programmes;
- to review overall results;
- to identify gaps;
- to give rise to further proposals;
- to maintain relations with other organisations (IAEA, NEA, ISTC, TWG-ADS) and countries outside the EU involved in P&T and ADS development (e.g. USA, Japan, Korea).

- Kick off Meeting of ADOPT network, combined with Mid-term review of Clusters 1 & 2 and kick off meeting of Cluster 4 (fall 2001)
- Mid term Meeting of ADOPT network, combined with mid-term review of Clusters 3 & 4 and progress review meeting of Clusters 1 & 2 (fall 2002)
- Progress review Meeting of ADOPT network, combined with final review of all Clusters (spring 2003)
- Final evaluation of all Clusters (end 2003)
- Recommendations from ADOPT for further orientations of the activities.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Boeretang 200
2400 MOL

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (15)