Chloride and anions transport in epithelial cells plays an extremely important role in equilibrium and omeostasis of solutes concentrations in an organism. Dysfunctions in anion transport systems are at the origin of several diseases
The project I propose to develop focuses on the characterization of the ionic channels performing chloride and anion transport on the basolateral membranes of a renal cultured cells line using the patch-clamp technique. I have recently developed a new technique allowing to overcome the intrinsic difficulty of access of basolateral membranes of cultured tissues to patch-clamp pipettes. This technique will allow the investigation of the characteristics of the ionic channels as well as of the intracellular mechanisms performing the control of their activity.
The results of the electrophysiological experiments, coupled with those obtained with other approaches developed in the host laboratory (in particular molecular biology) will offer a new insight into the physiology of transporting epithelia.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
RGI - Research grants (individual fellowships)Coordinator
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette