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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-06-12

Dimensioning of error control mechanisms to optimise service quality and network resource utilisation in high-speed networks


Research objectives and content
The research project aims at the development and implementation of a support layer for communication middleware. A method will be developed and implemented for optimising protocol parameters of error control mechanisms in ATM networks to allow for an efficient use of network resources. At the same time, this project enables service providers to influence the adaptation of protocol parameters in order to optimise network utilisation, and therefore also service quality and revenues. The project thus will lower the cost of providing high performance communication services.
The new method for optimising protocol parameters will be integrated into applications at the host institution, where a teleteaching application, a novel distributed Video-on-Demand (VOD) server, and an advanced application for Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) are deployed in the context of a 155 MBit/s ATM platform.
The project will implement an innovative method for offering reliable services while achieving a high resource utilisation, and also an innovative method for billing of broadband services.
Training content (objective, benefit and expected impact)
The applicant will design a new method for protocol parameter optimisation, using custom libraries for analysis and simulation which were developed at the host institute. The applicant will be able to study protocol processing cost on specific end systems. He will also study the influence of protocol processing and of dynamic adaptation of protocol parameters by experimenting with advanced applications, which were developed at the host institute, and which run over a large ATM testbed. The applicant will develop a new method for billing and will analyse and extend an advanced tool for charging of broadband services, developed within the ACTS CA$HMAN project.
Links with industry / industrial relevance (22)
Within the proposed project, ongoing standardisation activities of the applicant within the ATM Forum will be continued. In addition, existing international contacts of the applicant to service providers (MCI) and equipment manufacturers (Ascom, Toshiba, Network Systems Corporation) will be intensified. Contacts to IBM Nice will be used for performing experiments over the ATM testbed of Sophia Antipolis. The new billing scheme to be developed within this work will be integrated into a tool of the ACTS project CA$HMAN, which has been developed at Ascom Sophia Antipolis.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Institut Eurécom G.I.E.
EU contribution
No data
2229,Route de Crête
06904 Sophia Antipolis

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (1)