Our objective is to implement magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques providing bio-scientists and physicians new informations on tissue vascularisation and perfusion. Particular emphasis will be put on the quantitative aspects of the measurements and on fast acquisition schemes which enable dynamical studies.
Applications notably include functional MRI, the characterisation of tissue hypoxia and ischemia situations and of tumour growth. These fields interest both the host group and my source laboratory, the first one particularly in the context of brain studies.
Concretely, the intended work will consist in developing, practically implementing and assessing the most appropriate angiography and perfusion techniques for our purpose. Their limits (minimum spatial and temporal resolutions, reliability; quantitative aspects) will be analysed both theoretically and experimentally, as well as will be their dependence on controllable physiological and acquisition parameters. In vivo animal models on high-field imagers will first benefit from the results before to consider clinical studies on human volunteers. Training content (objective, benefit and expected impact)
I have been working for several years as a physicist in a team of biologists and chemists. It would be of uppermost interest for me to train within a group more oriented towards the physical aspects of MRI. By learning new techniques and by working on more diversified and up-to-date systems, my experience will be enlarged. Moreover, the acquired technical skills will strongly benefit my origin laboratory, whose mastery of contrast agents will turn be most valuable when developing MR micro-angiography experiments in the host group (know-how exchange between European laboratories impact).
Links with industry / industrial relevance (22)
The project is relevant to the pharmaceutical industry (contrast agents for MR angiography and perfusion) and to MR systems providers. Both laboratories maintain fruitful cooperation with several concerned companies.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
RGI - Research grants (individual fellowships)Coordinator
38043 Grenoble