Research objectives and content
The objective of the proposed post-doctoral project is to study the network management aspects of a SuperPON (Passive Optical Network) and the impact of WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) upgrades. A SuperPON is a broadband access network with a high split (up to 2048) and a long range (around 100 km), which is currently being evaluated within the scope of the European ACTS project "PLANET". The transport system in PLANET is based on TDM (Time Division Multiplexing). WDM technologies enable to upgrade the bandwidth over the SuperPON or to realise high bitrate links to the core transport network. The transport network can be either a conventional SDH network (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) with an electrical ADM (Add and Drop Multiplexer) in a medium-term, or an AON (All-Optical Network) with an optical ADM in the long-term. WDM upgrade scenarios are being studied in the PLANET project, however their impact on the network management is not covered. The ACTS MEPHISTO project is dealing with the management of all-optical networks in the core transport network. The objective of the proposed post-doctoral project is to evaluate, how management concepts and models of the AON core network can be extended to a WDM upgraded SuperPON access network. The implementation of TMN functions (Telecommunications Management Network), such as configuration, fault and performance management, will be investigated. Several approaches will be proposed and evaluated in terms of technical feasibility, complexity, and cost. The study will result in guidelines covering an implementation strategy, a proposal for a management information model, and a generic management interface. The impact on the design of an evolution-proof SuperPON system will be assessed. The proposed study wants to contribute to the evolution of an integrated and manageable access/core optical network. Training content (objective, benefit and expected impact)
The post-doctoral period will not only enable a training in optical access technologies but also touch aspects of all-optical transport networks. The post-doctoral study will give a thorough insight in the operation and management of optical networks.
Links with industry / industrial relevance (22)
The proposed post-doc will be hosted by an industrial research laboratory (Alcatel Telecom).
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
RGI - Research grants (individual fellowships)Coordinator
2018 Antwerpen