Research objectives and content:
The research project at CIRED aims to reassess the size of the no-regret potential i.e. the energy conservation potential available at a net benefit. It will do so by both establishing a modelling-oriented taxonomy for relevant hidden costs on the level of firms and of policy programmes as well as by performing empirical investigations. The innovative aspect is that it links research on barriers more closely to energy-economy models.
The whole work programme will require 18 months and consists of the following work phases:
A. Training in the data structure, input assumptions, interface problems and limits of the combined top-down/bottom-up model NEXUS-Imaclim
B. Training in the basic construction, functions and problems of the models STARTS and DIAM
C. Refinement of a taxonomy of hidden costs and of hypotheses on their determinants
D. Development of concepts for collection of empirical data on hidden costs
E. Investigation of data (i.e. case studies, use of modelling data bases)
F. Analysis and interpretation of data with respect to modelling implications
Training content (objective, benefit and expected impact)
The applicant will be trained in selected energy-economy models, which will increase her specialist knowledge in the field of quantitative research on barriers to energy conservation and in the field of linking empirical research on barriers and hidden costs to such modelling approaches. Furthermore the research project at CIRED will allow important progress of K. Ostertag's ongoing PhD project on hidden costs of energy conservation.
Links with industry / industrial relevance (22)
The research project focuses on enterprises in the industrial sector as emitters of C0[2] and as decision makers. The perspective of industry on hidden costs and the impact of energy conservation measures on profitability of production is directly taken into account in the case studies.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
RGI - Research grants (individual fellowships)Coordinator
94736 Nogent-sur-Marne