Research objectives and content
Firstly, the work will be concerned with the theory of small motions superimposed on large static deformations of elastic materials. The overall objective is to establish a theoretical framework for the determination of nonlinear material properties from ultrasonic data. Key elements include(i) building a catalogue of theoretical results relating the speeds of propagation of small amplitude plane waves to the underlyingfinite deformation and material properties; (ii) comparing and contrasting results for a range of nonlinear material models;(iii) determining bounds for the wave speeds.The final part of the work will try to extend the linearized analysis to the consideration of nonlinear and finite amplitude waves and to determine the influence of the pre-stress on the waves' properties.
Training content (objective, benefit and expected impact)
My supervisor will be Professor Hayes who has published extensively on elastic waves and is an experienced tutor. Training will be given in research techniques, how to write, publish and present scientific results. The objective is to ensure my ability to do independent scientific research.
Impact of this thesis may be expected in the general theoretical field of finite elasticity but also in applied fields, such as ultrasonics and engineering problems involving large elastic deformations and wave propagation.
Links with industry / industrial relevance (22)
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
RGI - Research grants (individual fellowships)Coordinator
4 Dublin