Principle characteristics of the facility and of the support offered to users: A hydrodynamic test facility comprising: - A manoeuvring tank 120m x 60m containing fresh water to a depth of 5.5m with a rotating arm at one end and five wave making wedges at the other. Support staff are available to assist with fixed model experiments on the rotating arm and free manoeuvring model experiments in the open water area of the tank. Wave measurements can also be made. - A ship tank 270m long x 12m wide containing fresh water to a depth of 5.5m with a carriage and a wave making facility. Users can be assisted in conducting towed model experiments. - A quiet wind tunnel - for small air flow experiments. - A quiet water tunnel - for the investigation of water borne noise. . - cavitation tunnel - for the study of the characteristics of propulsors and propellers. . - A circulating water channel - for the quick, economical hydrodynamic experiment. - A computational fluid dynamics laboratory with access to supercomputers for flow studies. Assistance can be given in the form of advice on: - Preparing the experiment. - Methodology. - Experiment techniques. - Analysis of results and physical support on: - Installation of instrumentation. - Calibration of instrumentation. - Model handling. Quantity of aceess being offered and number of users who may benefit: It is estimated that 10 individual accesses will be accommodated each year, each access consisting typically of a 15 day package of work.
Fields of science
- engineering and technologymechanical engineeringvehicle engineeringaerospace engineeringaircraft
- natural sciencesphysical sciencesclassical mechanicsfluid mechanicsfluid dynamicscomputational fluid dynamics
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectronic engineeringcomputer hardwaresupercomputers
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator
GU14 0LX Farnborough - Hampshire
United Kingdom