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Content archived on 2024-06-12

The Eva-cluster of cultural systems projects


The project is an Accompanying Measure. It aims to create a 'Special Interest Community', providing significant assistance to EC co-funded IT projects in the field of cultural systems, helping them to collaborate more effectively. European industry is currently in a strong position in the emerging world-wide markets for Cultural Information Systems. This project will help to capitalise on that strength to help improve the industry's position further.

Specific activities planned are:

1. Organising inter-project workshops on a regular basis across Europe to facilitate exchange of project plans and results to mutual advantage.
2. Facilitating short scientific visits between organisations involved, on an inter-project basis.
3. Facilitating electronically supported exchange of ideas and information by the establishment and support of an electronic forum on the Internet.
4. Assisting the projects in dissemination of results by

- hard copy newsletter
- electronic newsletter over the Worldwide Web.

Particular advantage will be taken of the very successful EVA (Electronic and the Visual Arts) Conferences at the National Gallery and the associated national EVA events in Berlin, with others planned for 1996, including EVA-Florence & Paris. With over 200 people from around the world attending the EVA-London Conference, it is now well established as the leading event in Europe in this specialised field. Since EVA itself was a direct result of the original ESPRIT VASARI Project (EP 2649), this is especially appropriate.

A key aspect of the project is supporting exploitation of EC Cultural Systems projects internationally, including in particular:

- Latin America and North America
- the Asia Pacific region.

This Accompanying Measure, although small in cost terms, is aimed at having very high impact by building on considerable groundwork in many previous and current cultural systems projects as well as through taking advantage of the existence of communities of interest in key areas such as libraries, museums and academia.

The EVA-Cluster Consortium is mainly composed of SMEs with substantial involvement in EC cultural systems projects led by VASARI enterprises which were formed following the ESPRIT project. However, the project partners within the cluster also include museums, universities and very large companies. It is intended to build a 'Cluster' of at least 6 projects with over 30 partner organisations and effective relationships with other projects or other initiatives inside and outside the EC, including ACTS (e.g. RAMA/IMIN), TAP (e.g. VAN EYCK, ELISE) DGX (RAFAEL), DGXII (FAME 2010+) and, importantly, the G7 Museum & Library pilot projects as well as other international projects.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
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Total cost
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