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Content archived on 2024-05-07

Methods and tool support for the evolution and re engineering of legacy systems

Exploitable results

Many companies use structured methods such as the Yourdon method of Structured Design to help them create their software systems. However, until now there have been no structured methods which can help you re-engineer your legacy systems so that they can continue to support your business into the 21st century. The RENAISSANCE method has been specifically designed for this task.. The RENAISSANCE method helps you make decisions on: when it is cost-effective to re-engineer your legacy systems; strategies and techniques for system re-engineering; when to use them and how to apply them (key strategies include adding a web-based interface to your systems and evolving mainframe to client-server systems); how you should recover and represent information about the structure of your system; the delivery of the re-engineered system and its deployment in your operational environment. Start-up costs for the RENAISSANCE method are low. You can use it with your existing design methods and computer aided systems engineering (CASE) tools. Method documentation is available free of charge although you may need some consultancy advice on introducing the method into your company. The RENAISSANCE method helps with software re-engineering but in some areas you need more detailed advice. To give you this advice a series of Renaissance reports have been developed which provide in-depth assistance to support the method. Three of these reports are now available: client-server migration (strategies for migrating mainframe legacy systems to client-server architectures); architectural modelling for evolution (methods for applying UML, the new standard for object-oriented development, for describing legacy system architectures); evolution planning (methods for assessing existing legacy system, based on your business needs, which help you decide on cost-effective strategies for system re-engineering).

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