The Connected Community aims to elaborate an i3 scheme. The scheme replaces the conventional human-system interaction view with a new one in which new interfaces act as a mediating influence in human-human interaction. The aim is to focus the interface research specifically around people who make up a local geographic community. The focus lies on a new kind of interaction which is complementary to the individual-global interaction that will be supported by the internet-like and associated services.
The proposal provides a co-ordinating principle for deriving new interaction paradigms. It describes a framework for a number of projects which explore the relation between specific communities and specific methods for developing new interface concepts, tools and technologies. This framework addresses contextual domains (such as personal, domestic, public and private), and activity domains (such as everyday activities, self and cultural expression and learning). Innovative concepts will be generated and tested outside the laboratory environment with real communities where possible, and appropriate research on social communication will ensure the right conditions for experimentation with the resulting methods, tools and technologies.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
ACM - Preparatory, accompanying and support measuresCoordinator