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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-14



The central aim of TESUS 1 is a federated European university hospital network for on-line telematics transmission of key-hole surgery imaging. This novel video-based technique minimises discomfort in convalescence and provides a precise close-up on operations for medical students. Regular weekly discussion and transmission for teaching of specific topics based on live surgical procedures will encourage international standardisation of practice. The project will help to optimise healthcare and to reduce costs and have applications in other sectors dependent on high-quality video.

Laparoscopic surgery (surgery by minimal access, internal view by video camera and miniaturised instruments) is a new surgical technique which offers major benefits for the patient (reduction of postoperative pain and inhospital stay). Video imaging is intrinsic to the technique. Teaching and training are thus facilitated, as " the student sees what the surgeon is seeing during procedure ".

The aim of the TESUS 1 project is to federate European University Hospitals (Belgium, Germany, France, Switzerland) in a network for on-line transmissions of surgical procedure imaging and counsel in day-to-day practise. European staffs organised every week on specific surgical topics and regular transmission, for teaching purposes, of live surgical procedures will allow for an approach to standardisation of practice accross the continent.

Video data input into a surgical data base for teaching and training is also a goal of the project, as it will permit edition of " golden " standards in the speciality, reached by consensus.

The specific creation of work methods and tools adapted for handling of surgical video information will be an important step in global European approach to health policies in the specialised field of telesurgery.

Developments in the project will just as well be befitting for any other application area imposing use of high quality video information, be it in the medical sector or elsewhere, due to the high requests of surgery in image quality. Examples are university exchange programs, optimised standard videoconferencing and other high technology industrial fields (car manufacturing, aerospace industry,..). The opportunity for technology transfer is high. By offering broader dissemination of knowledge and know-how in laparoscopic surgery, the TESUS 1 project will optimise patient care and be a participant factor in the reduction of health care costs in the EU.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
1, place de l'Hôpital
67000 Strasbourg

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (5)