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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-14



PROREC is aimed to promote uniform comprehensive, communicable and secure European electronic healthcare records (EHCRs) offering cost-effective simpler access for both patients and professional users. Its approach will be to assist and support all EU EHCR-related telematics and similar projects, nationally and internationally. EHCRs will be promoted via a permanent network of centres for disseminating records information, later likely to be a fully-fledged European institution.

The main goal of PROREC is to promote and coordinate the European wide convergence towards comprehensive, communicable and secure Electronic Healthcare Records (EHCR)This will be achieved by coordinating and supporting the European Commission's Telematics Applications for Health projects and other initiatives in the area of EHCRs, both nationally and internationally.

The most important activity to be carried out is promoting the widespread use of Electronic Healthcare Records by installing in Europe a permanent network of centres focusing on the dissemination of information related to electronic healthcare records. This network will be backed up by a European Steering Committee (PROREC International), simulating and preparing the activities of what should become in a later stage a true European Institution on the Electronic Healthcare Record.

One of the intermediate goals of this purposeful strategy is to ensure that bodies such as CEN/TC251 at the one hand, and EC Informatics programmes at the other hand, meet their purpose of providing standards and highest quality research to enhance the care process for patients and users. But perhaps even more important, PROREC's aim is to reach all actors in the field, such that even the smallest initiative taken "independently" by some organisation, company or user-group, contributes effectively to the common objective. This means that much effort in PROREC will go to coordination and concertation, and that as such the achievements of and lessons learned from the MEDIREC Concerted Action will be the main starting point for this new initiative.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Sadiel SA
EU contribution
No data
Av. Republica Argentina, 24-4p
41011 Sevilla

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (4)