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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-27

Singularities. Literature - Science - Responsibility. Humanities in the context of European Educational Policy


The conference "Singularities. Literature - Science - Responsibility. The Humanities in the Context of European Educational Policy" refers to the measures currently being taken regarding educational policies at European universities. The humanities are in the process of being put under a high amount of pressure to standardise, which is appearing as debates on legitimisation and method, and which is increasingly determining the institutional framework as well as the direction of teaching and research. Starting with the study of literature, we hope to establish a link between these debates. This conference hopes to work out specific characteristics of literature, in order to tackle the questions of forms of institutionalising the structure of literature. Regarding the restructuring of scientific disciplines, the specific "knowledge of literature" and the position of the humanities will be investigated within the framework of the study of German literature. The concept of Singularity is of special interest as it ties together questions of literature and knowledge as well as the study of literature and responsibility.

Tied to the concept of Singularity are two different figures: the isolated phenomenon and the momentum of the incommensurable. Both figures tend to cause uncertainty regarding scientific conceptualisation, in so far as these are produced through subsumption. As a paradox, inherent in language, the singular represents disharmony in the ensemble as well as in the system of knowledge and science. When literature approaches the boundaries of verbalisation and thus of knowledge, then the relationship between literature, knowledge and science is confronted with the question of responsibility. If the factors are brought together, the explosive question concerning the study of literature arises. What methodical steps can be responsibly taken in order to bring forth and preserve the singular within the institutionalised world of science? The EuroConference, planned as a literary seminar to take place at the University of Hamburg, is intended to initiate international and interdisciplinary co-operation.

Fields of science

Call for proposal

Data not available


Type of Event: Euro Conference
EU contribution
No data
This event takes place in Warburg-Haus Hamburg


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Total cost
No data