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Content archived on 2024-05-18

Yearly Colloquium of European Group for Organizational Studies, theme of the year 2000 is 'Organizational Praxis'


The EGOS (European Group for Organization Studies) organizes an annual conference, which is distinguished by its international participation and scholarly contribution to the forefront of organization theory. Besides the colloquium's changing thematic groups, the EGOS Colloquium also allows for the establishment of international work groups to pursue research into issues of Particular interest to the European Community.
The changing global and European economic contexts create challenges to business and public sector organizations and makes transformation of managerial and organizational practices to core issues. In relation to these organization theory has a considerable scientific and practical potential, which in order to be realized requires a strengthening of the European community of organization researchers -and in particular the investment in developing a new generation of researchers.
EGOS has decided to give priority to supporting the new generation of organization researchers and thus applies for EU funding for the participation of 20 phd-students in the year 2000 Colloquium in Helsinki with "Organisational Praxis" as theme. The doctorate students will be selected by the convenors, based upon quality of the submitted paper abstracts, and taking into consideration lack of other funding possibilities and distribution between European countries.
The working group structure of the colloquium provides allows close social interaction for young scholars to meet with experienced researchers, get comments for their papers in the group sessions and during the social time allocated in the programme. This is a step towards organising of doctoral tutorials in the forthcoming colloquia and also other types of pre- and post-conferences activities.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Type of Event: Large Conference
EU contribution
No data
This event takes place in Helsinki


See on map

Total cost
No data