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Content archived on 2024-05-21

IUTAM Symposium of Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations


The object of this proposal is a single High-Level Scientific Conference in the field of fluid mechanics. It aims to bring together the growing group of researchers working on problems related to the prediction and understanding of bluff body wakes and vortex-induced vibration. Vortex-induced vibration, whereby the motion of a cylindrical body, for example, can synchronise with the vortex wake formed behind such a body, remains a serious problem in a number of engineering applications, and is particularly significant where the mass ratio (ratio of body mass to the mass of the displaced fluid) and damping of the body are low.

Despite a number of highly applied conferences on flow-induced vibrations in recent years, there appears to be only slow advance in the fundamental understanding of this problem. Even the answer to the basic question of how much a body will vibrate, at resonance conditions in a flow, is simply not known at present, under the limit of low mass and damping. This and other hot topics, e.g. the wide differences between results from direct numerical simulation and those from experiment, are open to debate and need to be resolved. The present conference focuses on the fundamentals, bringing together the leading scientists in the field, allowing seminars of sufficient length to get right to the "basics", and including focussed and challenging discussion sessions, with the purpose of encouraging scientific originality, to extract generic and wide-rancing physical mechanisms important to vortex-induced vibration in general. This style of conference is felt to be necessary and timely. This conference project has received the prestigious and competitive sponsorship from the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM).

Call for proposal

Data not available


Type of Event: Euro Conference
EU contribution
No data
This event takes place in Marseille


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Total cost
No data