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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-21

Interfaces and Colloidal Systems


This conference focuses on interfaces and thin films of polymers and colloidal systems, which is a very, active and growing field of research due to the high impact on high-tech applications in electronics, materials science, biotechnology and medicine. Also everyday applications such as environmental friendly paints or adhesives are covered in this topic. It is the purpose of the meeting to outline some of the new trends and developments as well as to serve as a platform for communication and emerging collaborations in this field.

Those focused themes, which are believed to represent the cutting-edge of research, include the following topics:
1. Nanostructures and Colloidal Order;
2. Functional Interfaces for Sensing and Switching;
3. Lubrication, Vetting and Shear;
4. Bio functionality and Bio mimetic Approaches;
5. Thin Film Formation by Absorption and Grafting;
6. Charged Interfaces and Polyelectrolytes.
Besides the talks in the main areas a large emphasis is put on the poster session, which is also expected to have the largest impact on the training and education of young researchers. The conference is a continuation of a very successful meeting on Interfaces and Colloidal Systems held in September 1999 in Heraklion in Greece Leading scientists from Europe and overseas in the field participated at the meeting and a large number of participants could not be accepted. It was also very encouraging that many young researchers participated actively, and more than 80 posters were presented. The training impact was therefore high.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Type of Event: Euro Conference
EU contribution
No data
This event takes place in Acquafredda di Maratea (Naples)


See on map

Total cost
No data