The project aims at enabling and supporting the exchange of knowledge, experience and expertise between young and experienced computer science researchers, and strengthening the links with European CS researches working outside their counties of origin, to take place at DAIS'2001 conference in Krakow, Poland. DAIS'2001 denotes the Third IFIP WG 6.1 International Working Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, that will be held on September 17th - 19th 2001.
DAIS'2001 will provide a forum for researchers, application and platform service vendors and users to review, discuss and learn about new approaches, concepts and experiences in the fields of distributed processing and services. DAIS'2001 will focus on integration and interoperability of different platforms, services and applications, as well as on scalability and management issues and the growing importance of mobile and wireless protocols and applications.
These research fields are now widely recognised as one of the hottest research areas, and gather a particular attention worldwide. They are also the key element of the EC's Information Society Technologies (IST) programme being part of the 5th-Framework Programme. Distributed applications representacore of the future Internet technologies and will be essential for forthcoming new services which will be developed e.g. in the context of the UMTS technology. DAIS'2001, besides its focus on current and future distributed platforrns, services and applications will endeavour to create a forum for presentations and discussing the advances of their integration and availability over wireless networks and technologies.
An important socio-economic and scientific aspect is also the fact of organization of a prestigious international conference on leading-edge information technologies in Poland - a country associated to EU, aspiring for membership, the fact that may help in better networking of researchers from Associated States of Central and Eastern Europe within the region and with their EU counterparts and foster and speed-up creation of professional and personal contacts and creation of R&D consortia capable of submitting successful IST programme proposals. Location of DAIS'2001 in Poland creates a unique and exceptional chance for researchers from Member States and Associated States (mainly those from Central and Eastern Europe) to meet and get know each other better and integrate, as well as to exchange views and ideas, as there are sometimes still examples of mistrust on both sides of the EU border. It is also a great chance for scientists from Associated States within the spirit of European Integration.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
SC - High Level Scientific ConferenceCoordinator
30 059 KRAKOW