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Content archived on 2024-06-18

Euro-Conference "Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology"


This Conference aims to bring together both mature scientists, technologists and young students from European countries and world-wide who are actively engaged into studies of porous semiconductors or wants to join this field of research and development. Porous semiconductors (hereater PS) are obtained be chemical or electrochemical treatment of monocrystalline Si, Ge, SiC, GaAs. Thus obtained porous substances possess new properties due to the presence of semiconductor nanoparticles in the porous skeleton. Research into porous semiconductors (PS) has seen tremendous growth over the last decade since the discovery of a bright red photoluminescence from porous silicon (pSi). The activity in this field has been always interdisciplinary in nature, bringing together aspects of electrochemistry, solid state physics, optics, microelectronics and, more recently, biology and medicine. The issue of PS has matured in just a matter of several years from curious research matter towards important practical applications. The Conference will provide a forum for those who share a fascination for such materials and hope to better understand and exploit the materials in a wide variety of ways. The overall theme, style and atmosphere of the conference will try to adhere to those of the popular 1-st PSST Meeting (Mallorca 16-20^th March 1998) and 2-nd PSST (Madrid 13.18^th March 2000) - see Annexes 1-6 for information. The technical program will cover the latest advances in the formation, properties and applications of porous semiconductors.

The balance of the final programme will be determined by the members of the International Advisory Board (IAB) in January 2002 upon receipt of extended abstracts from the prospective participants. All aspects relating to porous semiconductors (e.g. porous Si, SiC, InP, GaP, TiO_2, GaAs, Ge) will be considered, particular areas of current interest indude: - Pore nucleation mechanisms - Nanometre scale optical characterization - Mechanical properties - Surface derivatization and impregnation techniques - Biocompatibility testing - Solar cell applications - Micromachining applications - Biosensors, drug delivery and other medical applications - Novel applications (e.g. ultrasonics, mass spectroscopy) - Environmental aspects of the PS research and development - PS as a multidisciplinary material for the 21st century.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Type of Event: Euro Conference
EU contribution
No data
This event takes place in Tenerife (Islas Canarias)


See on map

Total cost
No data