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Content archived on 2024-05-21

International Conference on Multisensors Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (IEEE MFI 2001) in Baden-Baden, Germany


The International Conference on Multisensors Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (IEEE MFI 2001) treats the actual relevant questions of multisensor fusion and integration technologies. The conference provides a key forum for dissemination of leading edge technologies. The overall aim is to promote scientific exchange within the European Community as well as between Europe and other parts of the world. The recent developments demonstrate that multisensor fusion is to be regarded as an important field of future research and industry application. Since the last IEEE MFI, research and development in the area of multisensor fusion have progressed, which has gone hand in hand with the introduction of a wide range of new proceedings and systems as well as with a modern product-oriented application.

Nowadays, complex systems use a variety of sensors in order to obtain information about their own state and about environmental events or states. This is extremely important for giving machines the ability to handle unstructured environment, unforeseen events or inherent failures. It has turned out in the last decade that the employment of single sensors or single sensor types is not at all sufficient for coping with complex issues like these. Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems face new challenges in scientific research and practical use continually since sensor technology advances quickly. The state of the art covers for example encoders, acoustic sensors, lasers, multi camera systems and range cameras. In this sense the field of sensor fusion methods and technology is to a large extend an interdisciplinary field, which needs the close co-operation between computer scientists, physicists, electrical engineers and production engineers both in research and practice. It is exactly this co-operation, this exchange of knowledge that should be promoted by the Intemational Conference on Multisensor Fusion for Intelligent Systems 2001, which has already proven to attract the most important and leading researchers from all over the world.

Call for proposal

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Type of Event: Large Conference
EU contribution
No data
This event takes place in Baden-Baden


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Total cost
No data