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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-27

Molecular and biological characterization of ectomycorrhizal strains on willows for phytoremediation


Postdoctoral fellowship for mycorrhiza research a postdoctoral fellow position for 24 months at the Institute of Soil Science, University of Rostock is tube filled. For the mycorrhiza research project a postdoctoral fellow with experience in the use of molecular and biological tools for the characterization of fungal strains is wanted. Our research group is experienced in the investigation of heavy metal contaminated soils, and greenhouse and field inoculation of Salicaceae with ectomyorrhizal strains. A profound knowledge in the following techniques is desirable: isolation, determination and cultivation of ectomycorrhizal strains, and PCRamplification. The expertise of the Institute of Soil Science in chemical analysis of plant and soilmaterial, production and application of mycorrhiza inocula on Salicaceae can be used by the fellow for her/his work. Fungal populations of heavy metal contaminated sites are suspected to include well adapted ecotypes with high resistance to contamination. Ectomycorrhizal strains have to be isolated, determinated and characterized for their ability to increase the uptake of heavy metals by willows after inoculation. The work will be carried out in co-operation with the Institute of Short Rotation Forestryof the Agricultural University of Uppsala (Sweden). Applicants should not be older than 35. Equal opportunities for woman and man are guaranteed. Please send applications with curriculum vitae, a list of publications and a letter of recommendation to Prof. Dr. P. Leinweber, Institute of Soil Science, University of Rostock, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6, 18051 Rostock (


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Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6

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