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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Liverpool mathematics international training site


The Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Liverpool invites applications for short-term postgraduate fellowships (between 3 and 12 months) to be held at the Marie Curie Training Site "Liverpool Mathematics International Training Site". During the period 2002-2005 approximately 12 such fellowships will be awarded. Training will be provided in the following areas: Algebraic geometry, especially birational geometry, K3 surfaces and Calabi- Yau manifolds, module of vector bundles and arithmetic geometry. Kac-Moody algebras. Singularity theory, especially geometry and topology of singularities, symplectic and contact geometry, finite-type invariants and applications to computer vision. Knot theory, especially braids, knot invariants and associated algebras. Every candidate must be a citizen of a EU country (other than the UK) or an associated state, or be able to provide proof of having resided in a member state for at least the last five years. A candidate must also be registered for a Ph.D.-level degree in a country other than the UK and in a subject similar to those of the Site. Each fellow will receive a grant of 1200 euros per month for the duration of his/her stay in Liverpool and the costs of one return trip between his/her present country of activity and Liverpool Further information may be obtained from the coordinator, Dr. Peter Newstead (e-mail:, tel.: +44151 794 4040) or from the webpage:


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Peach Street
United Kingdom

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