Marie-Curie-Scholarships for 3 Ph.D. students are available for a 3 to 12 month stay in Berlin. In connection with our European Graduate Program ' 'Combinatorics, Geometry, and Computation' ' we became a Marie Curie Training Site. We can support young researchers pursuing doctoral studies and providing them with the possibility of undertaking part of their doctoral studies in a country other than their own. Applicants must already have an advisor and a dissertation project in mathematics, computer science, or a related area at their home university. The Marie curie Training Site is a joint initiative of the three universities of Berlin - Free University, Technical University, Humboldt-University - and the Konrad-Zuse-Research Center. The amount of the scholarship is 1200,00 Euro per month. The scientific program ranges from theoretical fundamentals to applications. The areas of research are combinatorics, geometry, optimisation, algorithms and computation. During their stay the students are supervised by the professors Aigner, Alt, Rote, Schulz (FU), Möhring, Ziegler (TU), Prömel (HU) and Grötschel (ZIB). Applications with curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, publications, a letter of recommendation of the advisor and a brief description of the status of the dissertation project should be sent to: Prof. Dr. Helmut Alt Institut für Informatik Freie Universität BerlinTakustrasseD-14195 Berlin Further information can be obtained from: Bettina Felsner: phone ++49-30-838 75 104 e-mail: bfelsner@inf.fu-berlin.de
Data not availableCall for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
BUR - Bursaries, grants, fellowshipsCoordinator
14195 BERLIN