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Content archived on 2024-05-24

High field magnet laboratory / resaerch institute for materials


The High Field Magnet Laboratory makes available high continuous magnetic fields using resistive, super-conducting and hybrid magnets with field-strength up to 30 tesla. The University of Nijmegen is now building a new and more powerful installation, which from the beginning of 2003 will provide magnetic fields up to 3 3 tesla at a turn of the knob with resistive magnets. This installation will be equivalent to the best available anywhere in the world. Access to the high field resistive, super-conducting and hybrid magnets is provided for qualified and selected user projects concerning fundamental physics, chemistry and materials research, up to 400 magnet-hours per year: roughly 30% of t he infrastructure's yearly capacity (in total 900 hours for the contract). The access includes the use of supporting equipment, and the available cryogenic and spectroscopic instruments, and high-level scientific and technical assistance; travel and subsistence can be offered for the selected and eligible guest researcher.

Access to the facility can be obtained by submitting a research proposal; forms can be obtained upon request ( or can be downloaded from the homepage. Proposals are evaluated by a selection committee chaired by J.C. Maan and are judged on the basis of scientific quality, technical feasibility and t he necessity for use of the infrastructure. Project Manager: J.C. Maan Laboratorium voor Hoge Magneetvelden, Faculteit Natuurwetensschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica Toernooiveld 1 Nijmegen 6525 ED The Netherlands Tel: +31-24-3653422 Fax: +31-24-3652314 E-Mail:

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Toernooiveld 1

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Total cost
No data