The Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HASYLAB is located at the 4.5 GeV positron storage ring DORIS at the German Electron Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg. It offers 42 synchrotron radiation beamlines, 13 of them at wigglers and undulators. They are equipped with instrumentation for a wide variety of experimental techniques covering the whole spectral range from visible light to hard X-rays. Typical examples are Photoemission Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction, Small AngleX-ray Scattering, Scattering of X-rays under grazing incidence, X-ray Standing Waves, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, X-ray Topography, and Inelastic X-ray Scattering. The scientific fields cover physics, chemistry, earth science, crystallography, material science, and biology. The radiation source at HASYLAB offers intensities, which are many orders of magnitudes higher than conventional laboratory sources. Only a few comparable sources are available worldwide.
Research work is basically carried out by university groups and groups from other non-profit institutions. The experimental stations are open to all interested groups after their proposal has been approved. It is recommended that potential new users contact the corresponding beamline responsibles before submitting a proposal for a new experiment. If possible new user groups should start working together with experienced groups. Detailed information about beamlines and access can be found on the HASYLAB Web page: http://www-hasylab.desy.de/
Project Manager:
Prof. Dr. Jochen Schneider, Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor HASYLAB, Notkestrabe 85, Hamburg 22607, Germany
Tel: +49-40-89983815
Fax: +49-40-89984475
E-Mail: jochen.schneider@desy.de
Fields of science
CORDIS classifies projects with EuroSciVoc, a multilingual taxonomy of fields of science, through a semi-automatic process based on NLP techniques.
CORDIS classifies projects with EuroSciVoc, a multilingual taxonomy of fields of science, through a semi-automatic process based on NLP techniques.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
LFC - Access to Research InfrastructuresCoordinator