The training objective of the network is to provide high quality engineers capable of dealing with earthquake risk assessment and mitigation problems from the earthquake source through to structural design, assessment and strengthening. Moreover, the indispensable skills of communication and management will be targeted and training provided, through the means outlined below: Technical training will be provided by the normal means of allocating research topics to young researchers and monitoring progress through supervision by more than one of the scientists from different laboratories. Training in communication skills will be provided by organizing seminars, round table meetings and workshops, as well as participation in national and international earthquake engineering conferences and committees. Management skills of young researchers, especially post-doc, will be enhanced by involving them in the running of the network, helping with periodic reports, mid-term review reporting, organization of seminars, workshops and round table meetings as well as managing contacts with other partners. Training on specialist equipment will be fulfilled also, both in-house and cross-partner, using the experimental facilities available at the participants' laboratories. Training through visits and secondments is an integral part of SAFERR objectives. (ONE SENTENCE MISSING).
Data not availableCall for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
NET - Research network contractsCoordinator
20133 MILANO