The requirement for smaller devices puts high demands on the knowledge and skills of comprehensively educated physicists and engineers. The proposed network has the goal to improve the scientific training of at least 9 PhDs and post-doctoral researchers by providing access to research infrastructure at institutions of high reputation in the field. MPI, UniLinz, PSI and INFM provide access to large-scale research facilities (clean rooms with line for Si processing, synchrotron centres). The knowledge, the experimental and theoretical expertise and the technological skills of the fellows will be expanded. This will be appealing for industry, and thus enhance the career prospects of the young researchers. The network provides several routes to accomplish these training goals. Not only shall samples be exchanged, but, more importantly, young researchers will be sent to the different laboratories. Besides the opportunity to participate in international conferences, there will be regular meetings within the network. Every 4-6 month the young researchers will organize a meeting to exchange data and to plan the consecutive experiments.
Data not availableCall for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
NET - Research network contractsCoordinator
4040 LINZ