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Content archived on 2024-06-10

Validation of photoacoustic, photothermal and related methods for detection of early spoilage, adulteration and quality assessment in food industry


Foreseen Results

It is foreseen that the use of (laser based) photoacoustic, photothermal and related techniques in the food industry will increase in the years to come
Many valuable contributions to the significant and a worldwide progress observed during recent years in the field of (laser) photoacoustic science, were made by the scientists from Europe. However, potential of newly emerged photoacoustic, photothermal and related techniques for application in the food industry has not been fully exploited so far. This was the main reason for several experienced groups originating from Mid, Eastern and Western Europe to bundle their know-how and excellent infrastructures, and by means of an ambitious, joint research project investigate the capabilities of above methods for : i) quality assessment of some selected foods (honey, milk and dairy products, oil, margarine) and beverages (fruit juice), and ii) the detection of adulteration and of early spoilage stage; both issues are of the great common interest. Some of the methods proposed here will be used to obtain presently lacking values of temperature dependent thermophysical parameters (thermal conductivity, volume specific heat and thermal diffusivity) for raw and finished food products within a wide range of temperatures including region of phase transitions.

The project will include a collaborative effort of physicists, chemists, microbiologists and food scientists associated with five universities and four institutes. The industrial partners (one as a subcontractor) include two medium to large sized companies from Mid Europe producing fruit juices, marmalades and dairy products. Major national institute for food quality research is one of participants from Western Europe.

Whenever possible, the results collected by these new methods will be compared to those obtainable by techniques well adopted in the food industry practice. Moreover, the results obtained from same samples but studied either in various laboratories, or by using any of different novel technique proposed in this project will be compared. The outcome of these activities is expected to prove useful for purposes of international standardization in the future.

The new methods are also expected to provide improved detection limits for trace concentration measurements in gaseous and liquid samples, and a new tool for accurate and a rapid thermal characterization of raw and finished food products.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen
EU contribution
No data
6703 HD Wageningen

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (9)