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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2022-12-23

Expectation of life and causes of death in different Republics of the ex-USSR: long term trends and recent changes


The proposed project associates five teams (three INTAS and two NIS) which are all developing important research activities in the field of mortality and causes of death. It aims to enlarge the efforts already made to better understand the health crisis experienced by the countries of the ex-USSS for more than 30 years. More specifically, it will expend in two directions the large research program already engaged between INED (Paris) and CDHE (Moscow) on the health crisis in the countries of the ex-USSR.
First, the project will be expanded in Russia itself by enlarging the time series already built and explored, and by analysing internal geographical variations. Second, after Russia, Ukraine and Baltic countries for which analyses have already been done, a special study will be performed on the case of Georgia, to compare the situation of European Republics to that of Caucasian ones.
To meet the objectives, a huge work of data collection is required, concerning both causes of death and the necessary material to estimate annual populations by age. In the case of Georgia, different investigations on the quality of data are also required. Then a rather onerous work must be performed to reconstruct coherent time series of death by cause and statistical analyses must be done to explore geographical variations and modelise age mortality profiles. Finally, demographic analyses will be performed as basis for different scientific papers, articles, and books.
INED will manage the project and co-ordinate the scientific activities. It will more specifically take in charge the reconstruction of time-series and the demographic analyses and contribute to most of the foreseen publications. CDHE and GCPR will be especially involved in the data collection and will participate in the different stages of analysis regarding their country. CDHE will also participate in the Georgian part of the project. DSD will be particularly involved in the field of geographical variations while MPIDR will be more concerned by the modelisation of mortality profiles.
The different outputs of the project will contribute to a comprehensive knowledge of the components of the deep health crisis experienced by NIS countries. By this way, it will also allow to identify possible ways to develop new health strategies, which could reinforce and secure the very recent positive trends beyond the mere recuperation after the post-communist chock.

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

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Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques
Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Boulevard Davout 133
75980 Paris Cedex 20

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Coût total
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Participants (4)