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Content archived on 2022-12-23

Non-perturbative effects and instantons: the construction of new localised instantons in gauge and sigma field theories and their application to Baryon number violation, high energy scattering and confinement

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The main results obtained are in the domain of nonperturbative phenomena in various quantum field theories and toy models, and fall into 4 categories: Branching of baby universe off the parent one in (1+1)-dimensional dilaton gravity with 24 types of conformal matter fields. We present a scenario suggesting that the non- conservation of bare energy may be consistent with the locality of the baby universe emission process. The relation between Yang-Mills instantons and monopoles, and their relation to confinement. A new non-abelian Stokes theorem has been derived, expressing the Wilson loop. This enables one to write down the quark-monopole interaction (the non-abelian case) in a gauge-invariant way. It is also shown that the area behaviour of the Wilson loop, i.e. confinement, can be achieved in the instanton ensemble if the instanton size distribution obeys a one-over-size-cube law for large instanton sizes. Finding the periodic instantons in the O(3) sigma model with a scale breaking potential term, as well as in the Skyrmed O(3) sigma model. This is an important result obtained for a 2 dimensional toy model, which leads to performing the same analysis in the Weinberg-Salam model. New solitons and instantons in gauged O(4), O(5) sigma models and in Higgs models. The main new feature of these results is, that topologically stable solutions in 3 dimensions feature two distinct solitons or, and in 4 dimensions feature instantons whose action exhibits bifurcations. Both these features depend on the values of the parameters in the respective theory. By contrast the gauged Higgs models feature solitons and instantons which exist for all values of the parameters in the theory. An example is the 4 dimensional Higgs model which supports a Coulomb gas of interacting instantons.

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