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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-18

A dynamic networked virtual supply CHAIN for co-operative resource planning in FEED related production.


With the changing economic structures in Europe and the fundamental change in business models caused by the web, the issues of Supply Chain Management and the back-end manufacturing and design environments are under enormous pressure for change. Supply Chain Management IT applications, provided by ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and APS (Advanced Planning & Scheduling) vendors, are enhancing into new arenas, driven by "Virtual integration" & E-business transformation. The CHAINFEED project, acts in the APS domain on the issue of co-operative planning and scheduling of resources in a dynamic networked organisation. It aims at the development of a new "virtual supply chain" concept that extends the state of the art enterprise supply chain concept towards an "extended enterprise" supply chain concept. The resulting tools will be developed generically; the first operational application is planned in the agribusiness, namely in animal feed production

Objective 1 (A new "virtual supply chain" concept): CHAINFEED aims at the development of a "virtual supply chain" concept that extends the state of the art "enterprise" supply chain concept towards an "extended enterprise" supply chain concept.
Objective 2 (An operational application in a specific chain): CHAINFEED aims at development of an operational tool for innovative co-operative planning and scheduling in the specific chain of feed related production (supplying raw material to different virtual integrated production entities, deciding the use of raw materials (mixing and planning decisions), the distribution to the farmers and the consumption by the animals).
Objective 3 (Commercialisation and spin-off): CHAINFEED aims at the commercialisation of the tool in the European agribusiness (supplying human consumption) and at the spin-off to other (semi-) process industries (food, chemicals, pharmaceutics, etc) with similar chains

Work description:
Complementary partners have specific roles in the project: The development partner, OM Partners (B) will co-ordinate. Their commercial satellites will take a leading role in the exploitation and in the commercial spin-off. Results from the previous ESPRIT programme will be used (ICEP 6588; HOPLICCS 27004). The academic partner CIMRU (Irl), is through diverse research projects (SCM 950880, LOGSME 22633), strongly engaged in the development of the extended enterprise concept. Users are chosen out of the most developed countries for the feed sector (FR & NL). The user Sanders Aliments (FR) is a private group. They are a leading European feed producing group and therefore representative for large-scale productions. The relationship with their customers is private. The user CTA is a member of the co-operative Cebeco group (NL).

Their production infrastructure is smaller and their customer relationship is co-operative. Finally, the user GLON (FR) represents different farmer groups. The workplan of the project is decomposed into 4 technical- and 1 (commercial) management work package: the WP1 "Operational CHAINFEED Application" will drive the technical progress of the project towards an operational implementation. The first task of WP1 will gather all the partners around the critical task "User Specification". Chain & research partner will combine this information with "state of the art" technology to develop the innovative virtual supply chain "core" (WP3). After finishing those tasks, developing partner will start developments (WP2 & 4). Users will follow in the progress of developments (WP2 & 4), while WP 1 will prepare the integration of the tools on the test sites. When WP2 & 3 are finished, all partners join in WP 1 for implementation. The final output, 2 operational applications, will be used as first references for dissemination, exploitation preparation and commercial take-off.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (4)