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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Content archived on 2024-05-18



Market research shows there is a definite market for training in Microsystems, sub-systems and ICs. Major gaps in Analogue skills and training are also identified. To meet these needs, Euro training proposes to manage and facilitate training in support of Key Actions IV.7 and IV.8 and Support Measures VIII. Training will also be developed and delivered with links into other IST. In addition to the full range of standard courses (>4000) from Course Providers (CPs), Euro training will ensure provision of 16 new awareness and 16 new advanced thematic courses over the full range of technologies, and proposes to be the co-ordinator of training programmes developed and provided by the Basic Service Providers (BSPs). All courses will be quality audited for inclusion in an on-line Yellow Pages. Guidance to users will be by means of a Search Engine. Pan European presence will use Training Access Support Centres as well as partners and BSPs. Previously, TBPS brokered courses had achieved over 40 % penetration of attendees. This target will be increased beyond 60%, but future recruitment will be mainly directly to CPs.

To achieve penetration of Euro Training take-up over 60% of the original attendees. Linking the needs for training for excellence in Europe across the wide range of technology themes- Microsystems, sub-systems and advanced microelectronics design and technology-with high quality courses from Course Providers. Arrange awareness followed by advanced thematic programmes. Information and help will be through the Web site and consortium experts. Companies' interest in customised courses will be stimulated and delivered from the Euro Training database of experts. Establish MISE (Microelectronics Information Service for Europe): a Yellow Pages directory of European Training to be supplemented by a search engine. Undertake market research and report annually on industrial needs for training. Link with Basic service Providers including MST-NET and EASIT, and manage all thematic training activities on behalf of the IST programme. It is an objective of the project become self-funding. Training Access Support Centres (TASCs) to be established to improve access across Europe. All existing courses to be Quality audited Month 9 and all new CPs within 3 months of their entry.

Work description:
Standard and Awareness and Advanced Thematic Courses will cover the range of needs of industry and academia. New needs to be identified by market research will cover the Key topics of Microsystems, high-density packaging, advanced ICs and techno-economic issues. 16 Awareness events will feed into advanced courses. Microsystems and Packaging awareness will highlight problems and solutions. Four techno-economic awareness courses will lead into six advanced courses.
Advanced packaging will include: Specialist packages for Microsystems, multi-chip modules and high performance packages for custom ICs.
Advanced Microsystems courses will include:
Technologies and materials;
Design and manufacturing issues;
Applications sectors (mechanics, optics, chemistry, bio-analytics).
The actions will link with the proposed EASIT and MST-NET. IC courses will include new technologies, testing and IP and link with the IC manufacturing service. Microelectronics Information Service (MISE) creates Yellow Pages relational database structured by topic and keywords. Enter data only from Quality labelled CPs. Build a search Engine to interrogate the directory for training solutions to suit users' needs. Build a tool to raise an alert if a new course is needed. Enter the updated list of experts for customised courses. Create an analysis tool to collect information on user preferences.
Market research: Identify target groups;
Market Analysis, Update the Euro Training address database;
One study p.a. Course Development;
Support gap-filling Advanced Courses to meet market need and Mobile and Custom Training Marketing: Web site, e-mail, paper mail, fax and 'phone;
Produce Web pages and catalogue;
Produce four issues p.a. of Euro Training News for pan-European distribution;
Conducting Case Studies for Quality feedback and for publicity;
Management and administration: Central Office;
Agreements with CPs;
Register participants;
Collect fees for MISE (yellow pages) advertising, and for administering the Awareness and Thematic training.
TASC Co-ordination:
Locate suitable organisations and arrange formal agreements and action plans. Three in first 6 months;
QLO : QL all existing course providers by month 12. QL all new courses before acceptance.
Links : A key role will be to liase with other consortia Key Action programmes.
Project Management : Overall planning;
Monitor Progress;
Track spend versus deliverables;
Formally report progress 6 monthly.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Total cost
No data

Participants (3)